A little powder helps rubber gloves go on easier | Mathematics

Dear Heloise: This may be an old hint, but when I put on a pair of old rubber/latex gloves to do my dishes, I sprinkle talcum or baby powder into the gloves. Instead of struggling to get them off or on, my hands slide effortlessly into the gloves. — Betty, Granada Hills, California

MATH SKILLSDear Heloise: A reader suggested that grandparents practice math skills with their grandkids in the summer. Great idea. Every child should know multiplication at least by the time they enter middle school.

During my school days, multiplication was taught in third grade and division in fourth. What is happening to education? — O.B., Retired Teacher

SAVING GAS MONEYDear Heloise: Drivers can save 10% to 20% off their gas bill. The optimal speed for a car’s best gas mileage is 60 mph. For every 5 mph above 60 mph, your vehicle uses a whopping 10% more in gasoline. So, if gas costs $3.50 and you are traveling at 70 mph, it is costing you an added 70 cents per gallon, to the tune of $4.20/gallon. — Dale, Dayton, Ohio

TOASTER TONGSDear Heloise: Toaster tongs were mentioned recently in your column. Every home should have some. One year, I bought a few, tied a red ribbon on each and hung them on the Christmas tree as a decoration. When I had a party, each guest could take a pair home. — Carolyn McDonough, via email

SUMMER WEATHERDear Readers: Summer is officially here, so keep your pets indoors during the heat of the day. Make sure, whether indoors or outdoors, that your pets have lots of cold, clean water. — Heloise

MOPPING FINISHERDear Readers: After mopping a no-wax floor, add several capfuls of vinegar to the water to help remove any remaining soap film and to leave the floor clean and shiny. — Heloise

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