Bài tập sự phối hợp thì (Sequence of Tenses) có đáp án chi tiết

Bài tập áp dụng

Bài tập

Exercise 1: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

  1. When I (come)           , she was cleaning the door.
  2. When I (come)           , she will be cleaning the door.
  3. When he went home, his mother (cook)          dinner, so he took off his coat to help her.
  4. When he went home, his mother fcook)          . so be had a delicious meal,
  5. When he went home, he (cook”)          because his wife were busv.
  6. When he goes home, he (cook)           dinner because he wants to make his wife surprised.
  7. When he goes home, his mother (cook)          because she always wants her son to have a delicious meal after a hard work day.
  8. When I moved here, I (live)           in a remote area for 5 years.
  9. When she receives the letter, she (call)          you.
  10. When I was young, I (harbor)            the dream of a famous doctor.
  11. When I grow up, I (get)            married you.
  12. When he grew up, he (join)            the army.
  13. When I see him, I (remind)            him to call you.
  14. When I saw him, I (remind)            him to call you.


Exercise 2: Chọn phương án đúng

  1. I  your brother at Green Street yesterday afternoon.
    1. meet B. met C. have met D. had met
  2. He           a cigarette and         to the window.
    1. light; walked B. lit; walks C. lighted; walked D. lights; walks
  3. After she           for help, she         off her shoes and         in to save him.
    1. shouted; took; jumped B. had shouted; took; jumped

C. had shouted; had taken; jumped D. shouted; had taken; jumped

  1. I can’t go with you because I           my homework yet.
    1. haven’t finished B. had finished C. finished D. finish
  2. He           for London 2 years ago and since then I         him.
    1. have left; didn’t see B. left; haven’t seen

C. eft; hadn’t seen D. had left; have’t seen

  1. The performance           at 7 o’clock and         for 3 hours. We all         it very much.
    1. had started; had lasted; enjoyed B. had started; lasted; enjoyed

C. started; had lasted; enjoyed D. started; lasted; enjoyed

  1. Tell them to stop and take a rest. They          long enough.
    1. have worked B. had worked C. have been working D. had been working
  2. “You           here before?” □ “Yes, I         my holidays here last year.”






C. had you been; spent D. were you; spent

  1. We           our housework by tomorrow evening.
    1. will finish B. will have finished

C. will be finishing D. are going to finish

  1. “Your face is dirty, Tom.” □ “All right, I             it.”
    1. am washing B. am going to wash C. will wash D. will have washed
  2. Coming into the room, he            Mary where he         her.
    1. see; left B. saw; had left C. had seen; left D. saw; was leaving
  3. I   from him since he                  two years ago.
    1. hadn’t heard; disappeared B. haven’t heard; disappeared

C. didn’t hear; has disappeared D. will not hear; disappears

  1. After the guests            she         back into the living-room and         off the light.
    1. left; went; turned B. had left; had gone; turned

C. have leftt; will got; turned D. had left; went; turned

  1. By the time you finish cooking they            their homework.
    1. will have finished B. will finish C. had finished D. have finished
  2. “You have just missed the last train.” □ “Never mind. I            
    1. will be walking B. am going to walk C. will walk D. am walking
  3. “I  the way to the Globe Theater.” □ “OK. I                    you.”
    1. don’t know; will show B. won’t know; will show

C. don’t know; am showing D. don’t know; am going to show

  1. Come in, please. I            for you long.
    1. have waited B. have been waiting

C. had been waiting D. have been waited

  1. Who you            to the cinema with last night?
    1. went B. did you go C. had gone D. did you went
  2. Detective: I’m afraid I must ask both of you. What            at 10.20 p.m yesterday? Mr. X: I     chess with my wife.

Mr. Y: I         to a play on the radio.

  1. were you doing; am playing; was listening B. did you do; played; listened

C. were you doing; am playing; am listening D. were you doing; was playing; was listening

  1. You            my sister for a long time         come to see us tonight?
    1. haven’t seen; Will you B. won’t see; Will you
  1. hadn’t seen; Would you D. haven’t seen; Are you going


Exercise 3: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong câu

  1. This is the most beautiful place I ever visit.
  2. This time next week they will sit in the train on their way to Paris.
  3. The radio has been played since 7a.m, I wish someone would turn it off.






  1. They will have English from nine to ten in this room. Don’t annoy them then.
  2. Imade cakes. That’s why my hands are covered with flour.
  3. Igot a sore throat because I have been speaking for 3 hours.
  4. It is raining hard. We can’t do anything until it stopped.
  5. She had got into her shoes, put on her coat and went to the door.
  6. What tune had they played when we came in?
  7. That evening we stayed up to talk about the town, where he has lived for a long time.
  8. I have lived in this city for 15 years. My family had moved here when I was 10 years old.
  9. We are very tired. We have walk for three hours.
  10. I haven’t seen her since we leaved school.
  11. I have been thought about you a lot lately and I have come to conclusion that I won’t be able to live without you.
  12. Coming into his room, he found that someone broke into it.
  13. It always rains when they had just cleaned the windows.
  14. The last time I saw him, he wore a black suit.
  15. By the first of next July I had worked for this company for 20 years.
  16. This is the talking between two friends who had just met up each other.


Exercise 4: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

  1. Last night, we (watch) television when the power (fail).
  2. We (be) in this class for 4 years next September.
  3. When we came in, they (prepare) the meal for us.
  4. There (be) many changes in our village in the past few year.
  5. Think carefully. I’m sure you (remember) his name.
  6. After ancient Greek athletes had won a race in the Olympics, they (receive) a simple crown of olive leaves.
  7. They (build) that bridge when I (be) there last year, they (not finish) it yet.
  8. As soon as my parents came, we [go] out for dinner.
  9. I (search) everywhere for the pen I (lose) yesterday.
  10. “What you (do) at the moment, Ann?” “I (pack). I (catch) a plane to London tomorrow morning.”
  11. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I (return) to visit friends and family several times.
  12. When my parents (arrive) for a visit tomorrow, they will see our baby for the first time.
  13. Don’t worry. I (finish) the report by 10 o’clock.
  14. I’ll return Bob’s pen to him next time I (see) him.
  15. “I [go] out to buy a morning newspaper.” “But it (rain) now. Why don’t you wait until the rain (stop)?”
  16. Whenever I travel abroad, I (forget) something I need.
  17. Hurry up or you (be) late for class.
  18. He (be) to the theater three times this month.
  19. Hurry up or the film (be) over before we (get) home.







Exercise 5: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

I. I’m going out for a walk. I (read) too long.

  1. I (do) my homework when my mother (send) me to the chemist’s with the prescription the doctor (give) her.
  2. By the end of this week I (read) 200 pages of my new novel.
  3. He (do) the experiment when the light (go) out.
  4. At this time next week, we (live) in USA.
  5. He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow.
  6. Go on the next test as soon as you (finish) this one.
  7. When I (look) at my suitcase, I could see that somebody (try) to open it.
  8. We (be) a few minutes late, so the film (start) when we (get) to the cinema.
  9. I’m going to bed now. I (work) for hours and I’m very tired.
  10. I think she is the nicest person I (meet).
  11. He [come] into the room after he (stand) outside for a moment.
  12. After the telephone (buzz) for a minute, the doctor (answer) it.
  13. He (have) a bad fall while he (repair) the roof.
  14. Yesterday, when I (see) Tom he (sit) in a corner with a book. I (tell) him that he (read) in very bad light.
  15. James (weed) while Alex (cut) the grass in the garden this time yesterday.
  16. Susan (wait) for you at 9 o’clock tomorrow.
  17. By next summer, she (finish) her 3rd novel.
  18. This is the first time we (see) the Statue of Liberty.
  19. By the time Anne graduated from high school, she (attend) seven different schools because her parents moved frequently.

Đáp án và giải thích 

Exercise 1




Đáp án

Dấu hiệu

Dịch nghĩa



when; was cleaning

Khi tôi đến, cô ấy đang lau nhà.



when; will be cleaning

Lúc tôi đến, cô ấy sẽ đang lau nhà.


was cooking

when; went; took off

Khi anh ấy về nhà, mẹ anh ấy đang nấu ăn, vì vậy

anh ấy thay quần áo để giúp mẹ một tay.


had cooked

when; went; had

Khi anh ấy về nhà, mẹ anh ấy đã nấu ăn xong, vì

vậy anh ấy có một bữa ngon miệng.



when; his wife were busy

Khi anh ấy về nhà, anh ấy đi nấu cơm bởi vì vợ anh

ấy bận.


will cook

when; comes

Khi anh ấy về nhà, anh ấy sẽ nấu bữa tối bởi anh ấy








muốn làm vợ bất ngờ.


will have cooked

when; comes

Khi anh ấy về nhà, mẹ anh ấy sẽ nấu xong bữa tối vì bà luôn muốn con mình có một bữa ăn ngon sau  một ngày làm việc vất vả.


had lived

when; moved; for

Khi tôi chuyển tới đây, tôi đã sống ở một nơi hẻo

lánh trong khoảng 5 năm.


will call

when; receives

Khi cô ấy nhận được thư, cô ấy sẽ gọi cho bạn.



when I was young

Khi tôi còn trẻ, tôi đã ấp ủ giấc mơ trở thành một

bác sĩ nổi tiếng.


will get

when I grow up

Khi lớn lên, tớ sẽ lấy cậu.



when he grew up

Khi lớn lên, anh ấy đã tham gia quân đội.


will remind

when I see him

Khi tôi gặp anh ấy, tôi sẽ nhắc anh ấy gọi cho bạn.



when I saw him

Lúc gặp anh ấy, tôi đã nhắc anh ấy gọi cho cậu rồi.


Exercise 2



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