Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions and died at the age of 15 – LLODO

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is the name of a film directed by David Fincher released at the end of 2008, in which the main character, is none other than the boy Benjamin himself. Button. This boy was born with the aging appearance of an old man, but over time, the older he grew, the younger he became, it completely went against the law of birth, aging, sickness and death that any living thing on The Earth must also obey. But perhaps very few people know that the story of this movie is inspired by a completely real disease: Hutchinson-Gilford progeria – Progeria Syndrome.

Adalia Rose: Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions and died at the age of 15 - Photo 1.

However, our protagonist today is Adalia Rose, from Texas, who has been diagnosed with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria, a genetic condition also known as Benjamin Button disease, when he was only three months old. It is reported that the prevalence of this disease is 1 in 4,000,000 newborn babies worldwide. Currently, there are fewer than 500 cases of Progeria in the literature worldwide, and sufferers usually have an average life expectancy of 13.

Adalia Rose: Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions and died at the age of 15 - Photo 2.

A 15-year-old girl with real-life Benjamin Button disease and millions of YouTube followers has died at the age of 15.

As she grew up, Adalia Rose also gradually became famous on social networks, attracting 2.91 million subscribers on YouTube and 379,000 followers on Instagram. However, on January 13, her family had to inform followers that Adalia Rose had passed away the previous day due to her illness at the age of 15.

Adalia Rose from Texas was diagnosed with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria, a genetic condition also known as Benjamin Button disease, when she was three months old.

January 12, 2022 at 7pm Adalia Rose Williams was released from this world. She went there quietly and left quietly, but her life was far from that.

She touched the hearts of millions of people and left a big mark on the hearts of everyone who knew her. She is pain free and is dancing to the music she loves.

I really wish this wasn’t our reality but unfortunately it did. We want to thank everyone who loved and supported her.

Thank you to all the doctors and nurses who have worked hard to keep her healthy over the years. The family now asks to mourn this great loss privately.

After the announcement, thousands of fans sent their condolences to Adalia’s family and prayed for her to rest in peace.

Adalia Rose: Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions and died at the age of 15 - Photo 5.

Adalia’s mother Natalia Pallante said doctors noticed something was wrong within the first four weeks of her life. Concerned about Adalia’s lack of “growth”, the single mother also discovered “the skin on her belly is really tight and looks strange”. Two months later, Natalia was shocked to hear her daughter’s life-changing diagnosis.

Adalia Rose: Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions and died at the age of 15 - Photo 6.

Around this same time, Adalia began to lose her hair, small blood vessels appeared more, and her skin became much thinner. People with the condition are also at increased risk for dwarfism because of an abnormal protein gene.

Along with a dizzying rate of premature aging, Adalia suffered from hair loss, a lack of body fat, varicose veins, an unusually high voice, and severe stiffness in her joints.

Adalia Rose: Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions of people and died at the age of 15 - Photo 8.

After emerging as a social media phenomenon, Adalia began filming more makeup tutorials, covering songs and making funny dance videos. Adalia’s father Ryan said: “We have a superstar. Adalia is very popular on social media, and when we go out, a lot of people recognize. I don’t see anything wrong with describing Adalia. She’s a diva, and I’m a huge fan of hers. Whatever Adalia wants I’ll do for her.”

In December 2019, Jennifer Lopez designer Michael Costello gifted the YouTube star two special dresses for her 13th birthday.

One of the dresses is Princess Jasmine’s outfit from the movie Aladdin, while another is pink, looking like something JLO would wear on the red carpet.

“My heart is broken. I was speechless and couldn’t stop crying. Adalia is very special to everyone she meets. She’s an angel.” The designer gave words of love to Adalia Rose Williams and said she changed his life a lot.

Adalia Rose: Benjamin Button in real life, who inspired millions of people and died at the age of 15 - Photo 10.

Adalia has attracted media attention due to her vivacious personality. When she first uploaded the clip to her YouTube channel, she received millions of views and followers. Many people say that Adalia gives them a great inspiration and makes them feel more in love with life. A lot of words of encouragement are sent to Adalia every day: “You are a wonderful girl, many people around the world are watching you every day, so live happily!”

Progeria syndrome is a very rare genetic syndrome in humans. Progeria was first described in 1886 by Jonathan Hutchinson and in 1897 by Hastings Gilford. It is reported that the prevalence of this disease is 1 in 4,000,000 newborn babies worldwide. The current literature has only recorded more than a few hundred cases of Progeria.

In 2003, a team of Dr. Nicolas Levy (Marseille) and researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered the cause of this syndrome. Progeria occurs due to a mutation in the LMNA gene, the gene that produces Lamin A. A normal cell divides a certain number of times so that a new batch of cells can replace damaged or weakened cells. . As people age, cells lose that ability. Mutations in the Lamin A gene cause cells to divide more rapidly. This is the cause of faster cell aging. As a result, the child’s appearance and multi-organ function becomes “premature aging”.

The incidence of Progeria does not differ between men and women, nor does it differ between races. These children have an average life expectancy of about 13-14 years. Most children do not live past adolescence. Only a few cases live past the age of 20.


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