[Cập nhật] Just at the beginning of the year, Telegram “collapsed” again – LLODO

Update: At 10:30 pm on the same day, Telegram was normally accessible on both the web platform and the mobile application.

At about 21:15 pm on January 17, many users reported that they could not access Telegram services in many countries including Vietnam. The problem has lasted up to now for more than 1 and a half hours but has not been fixed, making many users inaccessible on both the web platform as well as the mobile application.

The Down Detector site has received thousands of reports from users since about 21:11 pm on the same day.

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Down Detector receives thousands of reports of not being able to access Telegram

According to the area map of the incident provided by Down Detector, the most affected area seems to be Southeast Asia when a server in Singapore had a problem that made it impossible for the people of this country to access Telegram. Since the Singapore server is also where the traffic goes through most of Southeast Asia, Vietnam also has a similar problem.

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Singapore is the area most affected by this Telegram crash

[Cập nhật]  Just at the beginning of the year, Telegram

Many Singaporeans say they cannot access Telegram

This is not the first time that Telegram service has had problems. The last time was at the end of November last year, this service lost access on a large scale, affecting many countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. This problem caused many people to switch to using temporary alternative services like WhatsApp or Signal. However, this is the first time in 2022 that Telegram has had an unreachable problem.

Telegram is one of the most popular cross-platform messaging, video calling and file sharing services today thanks to its wide range of features and special focus on security. Up to now, Telegram has nearly 600 million monthly users.



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