China confirms that it will commercialize 6G networks by 2030 – LLODO

China is leading in the research and development of the latest 5G communication network. However, the Asian country has no intention of stopping at 5G.

China confirmed that it will commercialize the 6G network before 2030 - Photo 1.

At the recently held 2021 Billboard Technology Conference, Wang Jianzhou, former president of China Mobile and senior advisor of the Global Association of Mobile Communications, delivered a keynote speech.

Wang Jianzhou shared: “When we (China) is building 5G, the research process of 6G network has begun to be deployed. By 2030, the 6G network will be commercialized. Now we need to speed up the definition and research and development of 6G networks.”

He pointed out that 5G technology has created unprecedented improvements in mobile communication capabilities. However, the development of technology is endless. After 5G is commercialized, the technology will need further improvements. These improvements should come in two tiers, one is 5.5G while the other is 6G.

China has confirmed that it will commercialize its 6G network by 2030 - Photo 2.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Jianzhou emphasized that the design of 6G network architecture should fully consider the impact of hardware and algorithms on energy consumption, realize intelligent power control, and reduce energy consumption. of the system’s operations in general.

In June this year, China’s IMT-2030 (6G) Group released China’s “White Paper on 6G Overall Vision and Potential Technology”. The “white paper” indicates that on the basis of 5G’s high speed, large connectivity, low latency and high reliability, 6G network will bring new trends for a smart and globalized society.

6G is the sixth generation mobile communication standard, also known as sixth generation mobile information technology. 6G networks outperform 5G in terms of maximum speed, latency, traffic density, spectrum efficiency, and location capabilities.

Refer to Gizchina


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