Constipation due to alcohol – LLODO

Constipation due to alcohol - men's discomfort - Photo 1.

Clinically, constipation is a complex of at least two symptoms, including: infrequent bowel movements (less than 3 times per week, for at least 3 months of the past fortnight); Difficulty defecation, straining when more than 1/4 of bowel movements have hard stools or incomplete defecation.

Small but not small effect of Constipation

In the opinion of many people, this is not a very dangerous disease. In fact, if not treated properly, constipation can turn into hemorrhoids, or more dangerously, colon cancer.

But, there is one thing anyone who has experienced constipation must admit: the feeling is very uncomfortable. It is not easy to share this discomfort with others. A.Wald’s study on 2870 people from France, Germany, Italy, UK, Korea, Brazil and the US shows that this disease affects the quality of life, including health and social activities of the people. patient.

Tet has just passed, constipation has come

There are many causes of constipation. For men, after the holidays, this disease is more likely to happen because:

– Use a lot of alcoholic drinks: beer and wine are always the main “spices” to create fun for men, especially on New Year’s Day, they have the opportunity to “let loose”. Although it is a liquid, alcohol will transform into a diuretic when entering the body. We thought we were absorbing a lot of water, but we didn’t expect this to be a way to cause water to be excreted quickly. Not having enough water in the body is one of the main causes of constipation.

Constipation due to alcohol - men's discomfort - Photo 2.

– Meal does not have enough nutrients needed for smooth digestion: Tet food is mostly “fat meat, onion pickle”, jam, lack of soup and vegetables. That means a lot of protein, sugar, and salt but very little fiber. The digestive system therefore has to work hard when it lacks the “assistant” which is fiber. This is the reason, we often encounter digestive problems such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation after Tet.

– Lack of physical activity: exercise was postponed with the reason “Tet that …”. Combo: alcohol + eating a lot of protein + lack of fiber now plus being sedentary will affect the body’s metabolism. Not only does it cause weight gain, it also contributes to stagnant digestive activity, which is a favorable condition for constipation to visit…

Balanced body for the new year to come

If breathing is the way to maintain life, eating creates vitality, then good excretion will help the body to be balanced and really healthy. Take care of your digestive system in the new year by:

– Limit alcohol: if you have to drink, don’t forget to add water and other nutrients afterwards

– Drink lots of water, lots of water and lots of water

– Do exercise

– Eat a balanced and nutritious diet: especially office workers, they often “eat at restaurants” which are poor in nutrition, especially fiber.

Constipation caused by alcohol - men's discomfort - Photo 3.

– Fiber is abundant in vegetables and nuts. Therefore, 3 meals a day, one way or another, must have vegetables and fruits. It is also important to pay attention to the processing method because the amount of fiber in vegetables will not remain intact once cooked

In Japan, to ensure enough “green matter” for the body, the Japanese have a habit of using fiber-fortified drinks every day, such as Aojiru (Ao-ji-ru) barley sprout powder. The fiber content in barley cotyledons is up to 17.3g (according to USDA).

Aojiru, in addition to the main ingredient of barley cotyledon, is also combined with other ingredients to diversify flavors and uses for users. For example, 3 types of Aojiru are popular in Vietnam today:

Constipation due to alcohol - men's discomfort - Photo 4.

– Aojiru, fermented vegetable, enzyme supplement: helps to purify the body and beautify the skin

– Aojiru, Lactic Acid probiotic supplement: suitable for people who are often constipated

– Aojiru, the combination with 16 kinds of Fruit: rich in vitamins, helps strengthen the immune system. It has a sweet taste that is easy to drink, especially suitable for children.

Learn from the Japanese, use the convenient Aojiru package, take it anywhere, and replenish your fiber anytime! Just mix 1 small packet of Aojiru with 100ml of cold water or fresh milk and stir well, from adults to children, you can use it right away.

In Vietnam today, Aojiru is quite popular. However, we should also consider the origin and quality. Choose products of clear origin, distributed to major store systems such as Pharmacity, Aeon, Con Cung, Hachi Hachi, … for peace of mind!

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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