Even the disc brake lock of motorbikes and bicycles can now be unlocked with fingerprints just like smartphones – LLODO

The lock can be used with 16 different fingerprints, powered by a button battery with 1 year of use. The company has also paid a lot of attention to the durability of the product when the Yeelock lock is finished with a durable zinc alloy, the design is waterproof to IPX7 so it won’t be damaged when used in the rain or splashed with water from the road surface. .

Yeelock fingerprint disc brake lock – Webuy

Even the disc brake lock of motorcycles and bicycles is now unlocked with fingerprints just like smartphones - Photo 2.

Press the preset fingerprint unlock button, the lock will automatically “release” from the disc brake.

Even the disc brake lock of motorcycles and bicycles is now unlocked with fingerprints just like smartphones - Photo 3.

The product is also attracting attention at Indiegogo with the capital raising amount exceeding 1 billion VND.

[Box thông tin shop] – GK fingerprint lock

https://genk.vn/den-ca-khoa-branh-dia-xe-may-xe-dap-gio-cung-mo-khoa-bang-van-tay-khong-khac-gi-smartphone-roi- 20220428105359744.chn

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