Experience in Website Security Testing – LLODO

When it comes to Website security, we will think of Pentester or White Hat experts. Hackers are getting more and more skilled and it is only a matter of time before they target your Website. That’s why it’s so important to regularly check your website’s security to make sure it’s as secure as possible. In this article, we will talk about the importance of Website security testing and how to do it. I will also introduce some dangerous security holes that have been found in Websites over the years and which companies provide the best Website security testing services.

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What is Website Security Check and what are its features?

The goal of Website security testing is to evaluate the security of a Website or web application. Website security assessment can be used to identify vulnerabilities in a system and determine whether attackers can exploit those vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data or perform malicious actions. other or not. Penetration testing, code testing, and vulnerability scanning are three of the most common Website security testing processes.

  • Penetration test (also known as “Penttest”) is one of the most frequently performed web application security assessments. They involve using automated tools or manual techniques to try to exploit weaknesses in the system. If successful, this could give attackers full control over the system and allow them to access sensitive data or perform other malicious actions.
  • Code reviews – this is a type of test in the form of White box, you are providing the full source code of the Website to check if the Code has any vulnerabilities. This is a type of penetration testing that requires manual testing of the system’s source code for flaws. It can be time-consuming, but it’s often well worth it because reviewing the code can uncover flaws that other types of checks would miss.
  • Vulnerability Scan is another popular type of Website security check. They involve the use of automated tools to scan the system for known vulnerabilities. This is usually a quick and easy way to find potential weaknesses in a system, but it’s important to note that not all vulnerabilities are found by vulnerability scanners.

Why is Website Security Testing Important?

It is important to conduct Website security testing as it helps you to spot vulnerabilities in your system before an attacker does. By detecting and fixing these vulnerabilities, you can make your Website more secure from Hackers. In addition, Website security audits can also help you meet compliance requirements, such as those set by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) for Websites that process credit card payments.

What if Website Security Checks Are Not Performed Regularly

If Website security testing is not performed, chances are that the vulnerabilities will go unnoticed and unpatched. This means that attackers will have an easier time exploiting these weaknesses and gaining access to sensitive data or performing other malicious actions. In addition, if Website security testing is not done regularly, then new security holes may appear over time as new features are added to the system or new software is installed.

How to check Website security – Steps:

Now that we have looked at what Website security testing is and why it is important, let’s see how to check Website security. In general, there are four steps that you will need to follow:

Now that we have looked at what Website security testing is and why it is important, let’s see how to check Website security. In general, there are four steps that you will need to follow:

Test planning

The first step in website security testing is planning your testing. This involves deciding what type of tests you want to run, the scope you want to test, and what resources you will need.

There are several different types of Website security testing, although the most frequent ones include penetration testing, code review, and vulnerability scanning. You will also need to select a range for your test. This means deciding which systems and apps you want to test and which ones you want to exclude.

Finally, you will need to gather the necessary resources for your test. This includes things like testing tools, documentation, and any other necessary documentation.


The next stage is to prepare for your test like setting up the test environment and making sure all the necessary tools and documents are available.

To get started, you need to build your test setup as a separate test environment disconnected from the real environment. This is important because it ensures that any changes or modifications made during testing do not affect the operating systems.

Therefore, you will need to gather the necessary equipment and paperwork. This includes things like test tools, test cases, and any other related documentation.

Finally, you will need to put together a test plan. This document should outline the goals of the test, the scope of the test, and the resources that you will need.

System check

Once everything is prepared, you can start doing your tests. This involves running a test of the selected system and recording the results.

There are different types of Website security testing, but penetration testing, code review, and vulnerability scanning are the most common.

Penetration tests are used to simulate real-world attacks and identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.

Code reviews are used to examine the source code of applications and identify potential security weaknesses.

Vulnerability scanning is used to scan systems and applications for known vulnerabilities.


Finally, you’ll need to report your findings. This involves writing a report on your findings and presenting it to relevant stakeholders.

Your report should include a summary of your findings, as well as details of any security vulnerabilities that have been identified. It is important to note that not all vulnerabilities are serious and you should prioritize them based on their severity.

You should also include remediation recommendations, which are actions that can be taken to address identified security vulnerabilities.

What are some of the main vulnerabilities found through Website security testing?

There have been many major vulnerabilities found through Website security testing over the years. Some of the most notable ones include:

Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160): This is a critical vulnerability in the OpenSSL software library that affects many Websites and web applications. It allows attackers to remotely execute code on systems running vulnerable versions of OpenSSL.

Poodle (CVE-2014-3566): This is a critical vulnerability in SSLv34 that has affected many Websites and Web Applications. It allows attackers to remotely decrypt traffic that is supposed to be encrypted by SSLv34.

Shellshock (CVE-2014-2716): This is a critical vulnerability in the Bash shell that affects many Websites and web applications.

GHOST (CVE-2015-0235): This is a critical vulnerability in the glibc library that has affected many Websites and web applications.

Which company offers Website security testing?

There are many companies that provide Website security testing services. Some well-known companies are:

  • WhiteHat Security: WhiteHat Security is a leading Website security testing service provider.
  • Astra’s Pentest: Astra’s Pentest is another popular Website security testing provider. They offer both automated and manual testing, as well as mobile and network penetration testing, at a pretty reasonable price point.
  • RapidScan: RapidScan is a leading provider of automated Website security testing services. Security experts perform thorough vulnerability testing, secure web application firewall integration, etc.
  • Nessus: Nessus is a popular vulnerability scanning service provider. Web-based penetration testing and security assessments are available.
  • Veracode: Another prominent Website security testing service provider is Veracode. They offer both static and dynamic verification.
  • Qualys: Qualys is a leading provider of compliance and security vulnerability management solutions. They offer a wide range of products, including web application scanning, which can be used to check for vulnerabilities in Websites and web applications.

What are the top features of Website security testing companies?

When choosing a website security testing company, you need to keep the following issues in mind:

  • Automated or Manual Testing: Some companies only offer automated testing, while others also offer manual testing.
  • Static or dynamic testing: Some companies only offer static testing, while others also offer dynamic testing.
  • Wide range of security services: Some companies only offer Website security testing, while others also offer a wide range of other security services. If you want the most comprehensive protection possible, then you should choose a company that offers a variety of protection services.

You can be sure to hire the best Website security testing business for your needs if you keep these characteristics in mind.


Security Check Your Website is important to ensure the safety of your data and the data of your users. There are many companies that offer Website security testing services, so make sure to choose one that offers the features you need.

If you don’t conduct security checks on a regular basis, you are putting yourself at risk. New vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered, and if you don’t test them, you could be the next victim. There are many companies that offer Website security testing services, so make sure to choose one that suits your needs.

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