For the first time in a sales livestream, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang closed more than 1,200 orders – LLODO

On the afternoon of December 19, Bkav officially launched and opened for sale Bphone A series smartphones including A40, A50 and A60.

With the support of MC Xuan Bac, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang for the first time directly livestreamed on social networking platforms to introduce and close orders for the first Bphone A Series.

“Livestream sales are a common trend. Making products with passion, not only of me but of thousands of engineers. We want to introduce directly to people, interact directly with our customers, and livestream is the best channel”, Mr. Nguyen Tu Quang shared the reason for choosing the livestream method to introduce and sell Bphone series smartphones. A.

For the first time in a sales livestream, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang closed more than 1,200 orders - Photo 1.

With the support of MC Xuan Bac, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang has for the first time livestreamed selling Bphone.

The head of Bkav said that Bkav has invested thousands of billions of dong for more than 10 years to master the technology and open up Vietnam’s smartphone industry.

According to Bkav’s strategy, after completing the brand positioning as a high-end smartphone manufacturer, and mastering the core technologies in Bphone B series. Now is the right time for the company to launch the product line. Bphone A Series products have high configuration with full advanced features at a “soft” price, helping to expand the segment to reach a wide range of customers.

Smartphone Bphone A40, A50, A60 all have 6.67” full HD screen and optimal display, sharp. In which, Bphone A40 is a youthful pearl white color. Similar to A40 in terms of form, but Bphone A50 has a higher configuration. And the most advanced phone line in Bphone A series is A60 with jade green color.

For the first time in a sales livestream, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang closed more than 1,200 orders - Photo 2.

Unlike previous product launch events, due to the introduction and sale on livestream, this time the price of Bphone A series smartphones was announced quite early. Accordingly, Bphone A40 is priced at 4,490,000 VND, A50 is priced at 5,490,000 VND and A60 is priced at 6,490,000 VND.

Three highlights of Bphone A-series smartphones are security features, the ability to take high-quality photos with the computational photography AI camera, and the ability to easily control with gestures.

For the first time in a sales livestream, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang closed more than 1,200 orders - Photo 3.

Bkav’s A-series Bphone phones have just been opened for sale.

Specifically, with Bkav adding security features to Bphone A series phones, in addition to anti-theft capabilities, both Bphone A40, A50 and A60 are equipped with anti-virus features, block spam messages, and protect transactions. banks… helps Bphone users to be assured of their data, personal accounts, when performing transactions that require high security.

For the first time in a sales livestream, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang closed more than 1,200 orders - Photo 4.

Configuration of Bphone series

Equipped with an AI camera for computational photography, Bphone A series smartphones allow users to take sNight night shots, sMacro shooting and other photography modes such as moment, wide angle, portrait, natural beauty selfie, etc. Customers have interesting experiences about computer photography technology on Bphone.

Along with that, thanks to Bkav bringing Full Gesture comprehensive navigation gestures to smartphones, users of Bphone A series phones can easily control them with gestures, faster and more convenient operations such as: Turning off and taking screenshots quickly In addition, with a 5,000 mAh battery, 18W fast charging, users can be online all day, no need to charge and use at the same time.

“The A-series Bphone will be a phone with high-end features: High security, beautiful photography, unique gesture control, at a very good price,” said CEO Nguyen Tu Quang.

For the first time in a sales livestream, Bkav CEO Nguyen Tu Quang closed more than 1,200 orders - Photo 5.

Smartphone Bphone A60, the most advanced product in 3 newly launched Bphone A series phones.

After being introduced by the head of Bkav about the outstanding features of Bphone A series smartphones, at the end of more than 1 hour of the sales livestream program, 1,218 viewers ordered Bphone A40, A50 and A60 phones. through online platforms.

Also from today, December 19, users can also come and experience the product at Bphone Store system nationwide. Bphone A series phones are also open for sale from December 19 at Bphone Store, Hoang Ha Mobile, Cellphone S, Bach Long Mobile, ClickBuy, Vietnamese Mobile… and e-commerce sites such as Shopee, Lazada…


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