Free blockchain programming training course is ‘recruiting’, complete job opportunities immediately – LLODO

Through very rewarding free training courses, a series of young developers have had a valuable opportunity to learn more about blockchain, thereby creating a premise for this technology to flourish. than in Vietnam.

Seen as a pillar of future technology industries, blockchain is opening up many opportunities for practical applications, creating a vibrant wave of startups and innovation in Vietnam.

With huge potential, it is not surprising that the demand for Blockchain personnel in Vietnam has increased sharply in recent years. However, because this is a still new field, the number of employees who can meet the needs of Blockchain businesses/startups is still too small, even though these units are willing to spend heavily to ‘strategy’.

In fact, the biggest problem for the shortage of blockchain personnel lies in the training stage, when this field is still not widely taught at universities of science and technology in Vietnam. .

Therefore, opening training classes on this technology is becoming an urgent need to help blockchain businesses in Vietnam remove obstacles in the process of “turning dragons”.

One of these can be mentioned free blockchain programming courses for developers in Vietnam, which have been organized by Vietnam Blockchain Union (VBU) and Vietnam Blockchain Innovation (GFS VBI) in the past time. .

After graduating, I got a job

With each course lasting from 6 weeks to 2 months, along with the professional learning content, the trainees have been trained in soft skills, industry thinking and teamwork. In addition, VBU and VBI have also coordinated to organize 02 hackathons – an innovative playground for Vietnamese blockchain industry developers – to promote new ideas and the formation of startup groups.

The free blockchain programming training course is 'recruiting', after completing it, you will have a job opportunity - Photo 1.

Through these very rewarding training courses, a series of young developers have had a valuable opportunity to learn more deeply and in detail about blockchain, thereby creating a premise for this technology to develop. stronger development in Vietnam.

Notably, a large number of developers have access to many career opportunities right after graduating from the course. For example, some teams have been invited by some large corporations and investment funds to work or pour investment capital, while some groups have received product development contracts worth billions of dong. In particular, there are personnel who, after completing the course, received investment from NEAR – one of the most popular blockchain projects in the world today – to further develop their ideas.

This is considered a positive ‘indicator’ showing the effectiveness and practicality of VBU and VBI’s blockchain training courses, which not too many courses in this field in Vietnam can do.

Continue to promote blockchain training

It is known that in the near future, VBU will continue to organize a Blockchain programming training course of course 4 on Near, aimed at audiences who already know basic programming. The deadline to register for this course will be March 14.

The course consists of 3 parts, including basic blockchain programming (under the guidance and support of mentors in Discord, unlimited); advanced blockchain programming (real battle with lecturers, 25 students/course). Finally, the trainees participating in the training course will be combined together to participate in the “mini hackathon” tournament, which has a total prize value of up to 6000 USD/course.

To participate in the program, students must fill out and complete the following form (required):

In addition, students join Discord and receive notification of instructions (required) at the following link: chn

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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