How to Hack Azota on the phone when checking Online – LLODO

In this article, I will show you how to hack Azota on your phone. Note in advance that this is not hacking the answer, but hacking the time to do the test. You will have more time to do the test and get high results when Hack Azota.

How to hack Azota on the phone

What is Azota?

Azota is no longer a stranger to students. This is an application to support completely new teachers in teaching, especially in assigning assignments and grading papers to students. Azota uses a Zalo account to sync content across all devices. However, Hack Azota is quite simple and anyone can do it.

Azota’s interface will help teachers assign assignments to students and manage students’ assignments quickly and conveniently. And also from this application, teachers also easily grade assignments and immediately give results. Azota also has a feature to track student learning, which is very useful for teachers. The following article will guide teachers to use the Azota application.


  • Help teachers create online exam questions easily with only PDF files of available questions
  • The system automatically marks the test and returns the results to parents and students
  • Teachers can easily view analysis and statistics of student learning scores
  • Students easily do homework, anytime and anywhere and can Hack Azota to add points.

Why should teachers use Azota?

Save time on assignment and grading

When learning directly, instead of collecting votes for grading, teachers can remind students and parents to submit assignments by taking pictures of assignments and sending them through the application, teachers can also grade and report grades directly on it. This can also be applied very effectively during the online learning phase.

Easy operation

The platform as well as the Azota software are designed to be simple, with an easy-to-use, easy-to-use interface that is suitable for everyone.

Statistics and tracking of learning results

Parents can also track student results through learning history. The system will save the score, the process of doing the test, and the submission of each student’s work. Teachers can also look up and download statistical reports to their computer for evaluation or storage on the system.

How to hack Azota

To Hack Azota when doing the test, you are only allowed to use Azota on the browser in the phone. Next, click on “Get Started”.

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Please notice, this test is only 5 minutes and the current time is 15 hours 15 minutes.

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Then you enter Setting and scroll down and select System. Note that the open browser Azota is still running in the background. You also do not need to worry that when you go out, you will be warned by Azota because only when you install the Azota application, you will be affected.

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Next, enter “Date and Time”.

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Then turn off the option “Use the time provided by the carrier”.

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You click “Time” to reset the time.

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I will move back 5 minutes from the current (15:15) at 15:10 and then press “Continue”.

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Finally, you return to the exam on Azota. As you can see in the picture below, the time has been moved back 5 minutes to 15 hours and 10 minutes, but the time to do the test will be increased by 5 minutes, so the Azota Hack is successful.

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As for the issue of such an increase in time, whether it will be recorded when submitting the assignment, I guarantee it is not. For example, when doing the test is 15:15, the time to do the test is 5 minutes, but when you increase the time, when submitting, the system will still report you to do the test 5 minutes and submit it at 15:20.

In addition, you can also see how to hack answers to online exercises here.

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