I didn’t see Susan off at the airport. I feel bad about it now.

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions


    I didn’t see Susan off at the airport. I feel bad about it now.

    Reference explanation:

    Correct answer: GET

    Knowledge: A wish sentence in the past

    Past wish: If only + S + had Ved/ V3: If only

    could have Ved/ V3: could have been

    I didn’t see Susan off at the airport. I feel really bad about it now.

    A. I could have seen Susan off at the airport. => wrong meaning

    B. I wish I had seen Susan off at the airport. => true

    C. I forgot to see Susan off at the airport. => wrong meaning

    D. Suddenly the thought crossed my mind that I should have seen Susan off at the airport. => wrong meaning


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