Instructions for making a company organizational chart in Excel – LLODO

Excel is a type of software that allows you to create tables and display personal or organizational data, and calculate the available data in the table with many complex calculations. However, if you want to send or make a level diagram of your company, Excel can still help you do that. Let’s find out with us now!

Is the company organizational chart important?

When you have cooperation with other partners that have online working conditions like this, it will be difficult for them to capture the heads and seniors to work with your company. Or do you want to create a company organizational chart for your employees to remember? You can now insert your org chart into your Excel spreadsheet. And right now, I will show you how to create them!

Instructions for creating an organization chart on Excel

Right now, I will show you how to create your org chart in the simplest way using the tool available in Excel: Smart Art

Step 1: Open Word and enter the names of the leaders as shown below

Tips: You can use the tab key to decentralize employees more easily

Organized as word

Step 2: Go to Excel and use Merge cell to adjust for the part you want to insert appropriately. You can customize it to fit you.

Step 3: In Excel, you select the Insert tab > Smart Art

Select Smart Art

Step 4: The Smart Art dialog box will appear. Please choose the style that is right for your company. I encourage you to use the following 3 types: Hierarchy, Relationship and Pyramid.

Note: For a company, limit the use of Process. It will be misleading with their positions.

Step 5: After creating, there will be a dialog box as shown below. Please press Ctrl + A and delete them all for me

Delete the entire frame

Step 6: Go back to Word, copy the part you just wrote into the part you just deleted in step 5

Company chart

Step 7: You adjust the image accordingly by dragging and dropping and using the format tab to change the image to look the most reasonable.

So I just finished the tutorial on how to create a company chart in Excel. If you have any problems, you can leave a comment below so we can help! See also: Instructions for Copying text from websites that block Copy

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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