Interesting Easter eggs in Spider-Man: No Way Home – LLODO

Spider-Man: No Way Home is one of the most important works of phase 4 MCU. Not only opening a new chapter in Peter Parker’s superhero career, this is also the first Marvel movie project to delve deeply into the idea of ​​​​the multiverse, creating the foundation for a series of other films in the future. hybrids, such as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Similar to other MCU works, Spider-Man: No Way Home also contains a series of interesting easter eggs related to this vast cinematic universe as well as world popular culture.

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MJ’s necklace is the broken black dahlia necklace that Peter gave her in London in Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is also an important love token of the young couple. And at the end of the movie, when all memories of Peter have been erased, we can see MJ still wearing this bracelet.

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When Peter’s identity was revealed, many people were surprised to realize that behind the Spider-Man suit was just a young man. This detail is reminiscent of Sony’s Spider-Man 2, in the scene where Peter stops a train accident and reveals his face, shocking many people because he is still too young to be one. famous superhero.

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Peter’s image on the news was inspired by the cover of one of Marvel’s Spider-Man comics. And in the right corner, we can see the billboard for the Rogers concert, which was performed in the Hawkeye series on Disney+.

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Roosevelt Island Cable Car – a detail reminiscent of the movie Spider-Man (2002), when the Green Goblin forced Peter to choose between saving Mary Jane and all the passengers in the cable car cabin.

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The Delmar store, Peter’s favorite grocery store, is also back in this movie, but with the addition of the number 3, which represents the third solo movie for Spider-Man in the MCU.

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The shirt that Peter used to wear in Spider-Man: Homecoming, but it can be seen that he has become more mature, “bigger” clearly seen in this movie.

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The mugshots of Peter, MJ and Ned are actually taken from their high school yearbooks. And this is also a detail revealing the full name of MJ – Michelle Jones Watson.

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DODC, the organization dedicated to cleaning up superhero battlefields, is also back. One of their agents is named Cleary. In the comics, Albert Cleary is the person who runs this organization.

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The EDITH glasses, the source of all trouble in Spider-Man: Far From Home. And below are some PlayStation game discs, because Spider-Man is still the property of Sony anyway.

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Agent Cleary said Nick Fury has been off Earth within the past year, recalling the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Far From Home, when Nick Fury is on a spaceship with a bunch of Skrulls. to conduct a secret mission. This detail also shows that the DODC organization holds a lot of important secrets in the MCU.

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Matt Murdock (Daredevil) officially joins the MCU and is Peter’s lawyer in No Way Home. This indirectly shows that all Marvel series on Netflix are part of the MCU.

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Robot Dum-E, who appeared in Iron Man 1 as Tony Stark’s assistant, has now “changed the household registration” to Happy Hogan’s apartment.

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Public opinion broke out a lot of conflicting opinions about Peter’s identity and murder of Mysterio. One of them called him a “devil in disguise” – a detail related to the original Spider-Man: One More Day, with the appearance of Marvel’s famous demon Mephisto.

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Flash Thompson brags about his new book about his close relationship with Peter Parker, called Flashpoit – easter egg, which is related to one of the popular time travel/multiverse comics. most of DC.

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The graffiti with the words Ditko is a tribute to Steve Ditko, one of the people who contributed to the creation of the Spider-Man character.

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Marvel officially confirmed Wong as the current Ultimate Wizard of the MCU, after Stephen Strange disappeared for 5 years by Thanos’ infinity snap.

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Strange’s “brainwashing” spell uses runes – a huge difference from the first 3 phases of the MCU, but closely related to the types of magic in WandaVision.

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Director John Watts loves to put easter eggs on the license plates in the movie. And this time, we have the sign SEY-S1DP, an inverted arrangement of the phrase “SPIDEYS” (plural), foreshadowing the arrival of other anti-Spider-Man sessions.

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Meanwhile, the sea 63A5M-3 (63ASM-3) alludes to the comic book chapter The Amazing Spider-Man #3 (1963), which is also the first time Doctor Octopus appears.

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Norman Osborn confirms Oscorp doesn’t exist in the MCU.

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Liz Toomes, Peter’s “crush” in Homecoming, and daughter of “Vulture” Adrian Toomes, appeared on the cover of People magazine and called Peter a liar. In Homecoming, Peter left Liz alone at the high school prom to go fight Adrian and put him in jail. Now, with Peter’s identity revealed, Liz finally realizes he was the one who killed her father.

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Norman offers to help Peter with the famous line he once told Peter the version played by Tobey Maguire.

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A rare interaction scene between Otto Octavius ​​and May, but you may not know that these two characters used to date each other in the original comics.

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1 in a shape close to the original Green Goblin, and once again he bombed May without mercy, just like in Sony’s Spider-Man (2002).

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Finally, the most famous line related to Spider-Man: “Greater power, greater responsibility” is also included in the MCU. However, this is Aunt May’s advice to Peter, not Uncle Ben like the previous movies.

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The guy Spidey played by Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man series has officially re-appeared.

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The turn of the first Spider-Man, played by Tobey Maguire, also featured in this blockbuster.

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Spider-Man Tobey tells Ned about his best friend who tried to kill him and ended up dying in his arms, alluding to Harry Osborn in Spider-Man 3. In the comics, Ned Leeds also became a villain. with the nickname Hobgoblin.

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This guy continues to mention the time he confronted an alien creature covered with a layer of black mucus, that is Venom, which appeared and “parasites” on Peter’s body, and later Eddie. Brock, in Spider-Man 3.

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The new power source helps Electro own an appearance close to the original comic book.

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MJ is in the same predicament as Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, with almost identical camera angles. But this time, Spidey Andrew did not let his fatal mistake happen again.

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Spidey Andrew mentions that there could be a Spider-Man of color in the multiverse. That could be Miles Morales, and in Homecoming, Peter met this character’s uncle, suggesting that Miles exists in the MCU and could very well be a replacement for Peter Parker in future projects.

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After no one remembers Peter’s existence, he can no longer rely on Stark’s technology and has to sew himself a new Spider-Man costume, with a design quite similar to the blockbuster game. of the same name on PlayStation 4.

According to NewRockstars/ScreenRant

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