iPhone with USB-C port has been sold for 86,001 USD, is Apple “cat” criticizing fat? – LLODO

A student’s “homemade” USB-C iPhone has officially been sold for $ 86,001, after closing a dramatic auction on 11/11. The initial auction amount was just $1,000, then quickly rose above $100,000 just a few days later, but was withdrawn, resulting in a final “closed” price of $86,001. ).

iPhone with USB-C port has been sold for $86,001, is the Apple cat calling it fat?  - Photo 1.

The special feature of this iPhone X with USB-C is that it works very well, can charge and convert data without any technical problems, as well as without affecting performance or changing the size of the device. . However, Ken Pillonel, the creator of this particular iPhone, warns that after buying the device, you must not open it, not update it, nor use it as the main device.

iPhone with USB-C port has been sold for $86,001, is the Apple cat calling it fat?  - Photo 2.

With such a hefty price tag, it seems an iPhone with USB-C is what Apple users are looking for and willing to spend money on. But right now, all Apple is doing seems to be more likely to switch to a portless iPhone than to USB-C. Perhaps if you want an iPhone with USB-C, users can only rely on third parties.

How the World’s First USB-C iPhone was born

Although some iPhone users may not be used to having to change to a new port, with a series of other Apple devices such as iPads and MacBooks already using USB-C ports, the new iPhone is really a lost product in the system. Apple eco.

Reference: Gizmodo


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