iPhone X users will soon be able to repair the Face ID module easily without replacing the entire device – LLODO

Apple will offer a Face ID module repair service without replacing the entire device. The fact that Face ID repairs previously required replacing the entire device has become a headache for many iPhone X users. Because repairs aren’t cheap and easy.

iPhone X users will soon be able to repair the Face ID module easily without replacing the entire device - Photo 1.

Not only that, but at a time when much of the world is focusing on reducing waste, Apple’s policy of completely replacing phones just to fix the Face ID module is unpopular with many owners.

Apple’s move to allow Face ID sensor repairs without replacing the entire device is a welcome move. In February, MacRumors Reportedly, Apple has allowed the repair of the Face ID module without replacing the entire device, but it is limited to iPhone XS and above.

However, Apple’s latest policy update referring to the iPhone X will certainly be good news for the majority of users of older iPhone generations like the iPhone X.

However, many people wonder if Apple’s policy was introduced too late? iPhone X was first released in 2017, which is more than 4 years old. It’s old enough that Apple no longer sells it.

However, this change is not completely worthless. Although it is quite old, there are still quite a few people using iPhone X

This new policy will help ensure any remaining iPhone X devices are not completely discarded when their Face ID module fails.

Refer to Slashgear

https://genk.vn/nguoi-dung-iphone-x-sap-co-the-sua-chua-mo-dun-face-id-de-dang-ma-khong-can-thay-the-toan- bo-may-20220410190015513.chn

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