Israel: New Technology Uses AI To Identify Patients At Risk Of Serious Illness – LLODO

A new technology developed by Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with Ichilov Hospital, uses artificial intelligence to identify patients at risk of developing a serious disease early on.

This new technology has the potential to make a significant change in the early identification of patients at risk.

Bloodstream infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

The researchers developed an AI program to study the electronic medical records of about 8,000 patients at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital with bloodstream infections. The results of the study were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

After studying the data and medical history of each patient, the program was able to automatically identify risk factors from the medical records at 82 percent.

“We worked with the medical records of about 8,000 patients with bloodstream infections between the years 2014 and 2020, during their hospitalization and up to 30 days afterwards, regardless of whether the patient died or not,” explains Prof. Noam Shomron. 

“We are now working with medical staff to understand how this information can be used to categorize patients based on the severity of their infection,” he added.

Once the patient’s data was entered, the algorithm was able to predict the course of the disease, suggesting that in the future, it will be possible to categorize patients based on the danger to their health in advance.


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