Joey put all his money on the lottery, which was his big mistake

  • Question:

    Joey put all his money on the lottery, which was his big mistake.

    Reference explanation:

    Correct answer: A

    Knowledge: Modal verbs

    Joey put all his money on the lottery ticket, which was his big mistake.

    – should + have + Vp2: should / should do (meaning should but not do)

    – shouldn’t + have + Vp2: shouldn’t / shouldn’t do (meaning shouldn’t but did)

    – needn’t + have + Vp2: did not need to do (meaning not but did)

    – may not/ might not/ could not + have + Vp2: not possible (speculate an uncertain thing in the past)

    – can’t + have + Vp2: definitely do nothing (speculate 1 thing that definitely did not happen in the past)


    A. Joey shouldn’t have put all his money on the lottery.

    B. Joey didn’t need to put all his money into the lottery.

    C. Joey could not have put all his money on the lottery ticket.

    D. Joey certainly didn’t put all his money into the lottery.

    In terms of meaning, answer A is reasonable.


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