Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they doze off is this! – LLODO

In the fairy tale “Sleeping Princess”, when the princess was cursed to fall into a deep sleep, the whole palace also fell into a deep sleep with her. We all assume that stories like this only appear in fairy tales.


But in a small village in Kazakhstan, many people have actually fallen into a deep sleep for unknown reasons, even losing their memory after waking up.

In northern Kazakhstan, there is a remote mountain village called Kalachi. This dilapidated little village is not rich, with about 600 inhabitants and they are all busy farming.

The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 1.
The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 2.

Gloomy image of Kalachi village. Photo: Internet

In early 2013, a man in the village suddenly fell into a deep sleep for 3 or 4 days while working in the fields. After waking up, his family complained a lot about this, but he seemed to have lost his mind, saying that he was clearly working on the farm, why was he lying at home when he opened his eyes.

Not long after, many people in the village fell asleep one by one. Someone sitting on a stone bench in the street chatting with friends suddenly fell into a deep sleep; someone was preparing to milk cows at the farm when suddenly dropped the iron pipe in his hand and fell asleep; There are also people who are driving and suddenly fall asleep… In the village, this strange phenomenon happened in turn, making many people feel worried.

The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 3.

Unexplained sleep has made many people worried. Photo: Internet

Most of these people were sent to the hospital, they even slept for three days, five days or even a week in the hospital. For example, an old woman named Aliza in Kalachi village, after waking up, when the doctor came back to ask about her sleeping state, she said: “I was going to make a cake, I was taking out the ingredients, but nothing happened. What happens after that?”

The same was true for the other villagers, who had absolutely no idea why they fell asleep for a few days.

Faced with such a situation, the doctors also gave up because there was nothing abnormal in the results of people’s health checks. Just like that, this phenomenon lasted for more than two years continuously, more than 100 people gradually showed symptoms of deep sleep and they also gradually got used to this.

The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 4.
The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 5.

Winter Kalachi Village. Photo: Internet

This information quickly attracted the attention of the relevant local authorities, experts from all over also received the news and came to this small village to investigate.

Initially, experts judged that it was due to radiation or the environment that affected people’s health, so they investigated and meticulously checked the quality of the soil, water, and salinity, and found nothing wrong. .

Next, they guessed that it might be because the inhabitants of the village had some invisible genetic disease, so they conducted a complete medical investigation of everyone and found that all the elders were have high blood pressure.

The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 6.

The ruins of the village. Photo: Internet

Experts wanted to exploit this strangeness, but they found that the youth in the village did not have high blood pressure. Before that, some children also fell into a deep sleep, so they had to reject the assumption that this side sleep was genetic.

Experts from many countries investigated the vicinity of the village for a very long time. They discovered that on a nearby highway there was a signpost pointing to Krasnoyarsk – one of the richest natural resource regions, containing large quantities of oil, natural gas, ores and precious metals. .

There was once a very large underground mine, which, although discontinued in 1990, still emits toxic gases that are capable of affecting the village of Kalachi 600 meters away.

Experts immediately returned to the village of Kalachi and conducted a comprehensive air quality check here. So they found that carbon monoxide in the air here was seriously above the norm – 10 times more than normal conditions.

The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 7.

As explained by experts, the uranium mine located near the village is the culprit that makes people fall asleep despite working. Photo: Internet

All the villagers here suffer from chronic carbon monoxide poisoning, which can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, hallucinations, and memory loss… Coinciding with the symptoms of the local villagers.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a very serious condition, if discovered later, the villagers will fall into a deep coma, most likely leading to death due to shock.

The mystery of the sleeping village in Central Asia: Locals fall asleep at any time, lose their memory after waking up, the reason why they fall asleep is this!  - Photo 8.

After the mystery was revealed, the team of experts quickly made an announcement to ease the panic of the people at that time. The villagers of Kalachi quickly moved out to make sure they didn’t affect themselves and their children. At the end of 2015, more than 600 people here moved out of the village and started a new life.

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https://cafebiz.vn/bi-an-lang-ru-ngu-o-trung-a-dan-dia-phuong-ngu-gat-bat-ke-luc-nao-mat-tri-nho-sau- when-tinh-day-ly-do-khien-ho-ngu-li-bithira-la-day-202204191358495.chn

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