Microsoft successfully created a quantum state that is not found in nature, setting a historic milestone for the quantum computing industry – LLODO

Microsoft’s Azure Quantum computer research project has just successfully built a special device, capable of producing quantum properties, which has been mentioned by science for a long time but has never been successfully implemented. public in the real world.

This is a key breakthrough for the successful production of new, highly stable quantum bits (qubits), and sets the stage for the development of a large-scale quantum computer.

Microsoft successfully created a quantum state that is not found in nature, setting a historic milestone for the quantum computing industry - Photo 1.

Quantum chip made by Microsoft.

It’s amazing to see how humans are able to create one of the strangest aspects of physics in the universe. And we hope to be able to use it to do the impossible – to manufacture quantum computers with an acceptable level of error, and then push computing to the next level, close to the point where the world is free. operating course“, said Krysta Svore, Microsoft engineer and also lead program developing quantum software.

Building on two decades of research and efforts to create cutting-edge simulators, the Azure Quantum team has built a device that generates topological states of molten matter. in a pair of Majorana methods zero*.

* History of Majorana zero mode – MZMroughly translated as Majorana method zero (according to the journal PNAS scientific research):

In 1937, the Italian theoretical physicist Ettore Majorana showed that, unlike Dirac’s formula which describes the electron and its antiparticle positron, there exists another state where the fermium particle is also the its antiparticle. Although this particle has not been discovered by particle physics researchers (up to this point), it is hypothesized that a pair of Majorana states could still exist at the end of an engineered superconductor. in a special way.

These zero Majorana methods can form qubits for a quantum computer with an acceptable margin of error.

** Antiparticles: in particle physics, for each type of particle there will be an antiparticle with the same mass but with opposite properties (for example, opposite charges in terms of electromagnetism, or opposite color charges in terms of QCD quantum interactive palette hypothesis).

As far as we know, the special quantum state MZM does not exist in nature, can only appear under extremely precise conditions. Science has long sought to construct them in the laboratory.

At this point, the Azure Quantum team was able to generate what is known as a topological state, while measuring topological distances and assessing the stability of the state.

Microsoft successfully created a quantum state that is not found in nature, setting a historic milestone for the quantum computing industry - Photo 3.

A combination of devices used to keep quantum computers running in extremely cold environments.

From here, Microsoft can create a special qubit, called topological qubits. According to Microsoft, their future quantum machine will be more stable than other types of qubits, from which its scale could reach unprecedented heights. Quantum computers, which are considered the next evolution of computers and supercomputers, will make use of quantum mechanics (the scientific school that describes the behavior of subatomic particles) to process information in in ways and scales that people have not yet imagined.

Figuring out how to eliminate hunger and save the Earth from climate change will require discovering and optimizing molecular particles, a task that is impossible with classical computers, and that’s when quantum computers death savior,’ said Microsoft’s president of quantum Zulfi Alam.

However, before these ambitious plans come to fruition, Azure Quantum estimates that quantum computers must be at least 1 million qubits powerful. Currently, quantum computing systems that do not apply Microsoft’s techniques are only more than 100 qubits powerful, not to mention scaling the computers is still a difficult problem to solve.

That is why Azure Quantum focuses on topological qubits, which are said to be faster, smaller in size, and with less data loss than conventional qubits. Over the past year, Azure Quantum’s hardware team has been working tirelessly to test and prove the new quantum state is stable.

Microsoft successfully created a quantum state that is not found in nature, setting a historic milestone for the quantum computing industry - Photo 4.

Currently, Microsoft researchers have carried out the step of assembling a quantum computing device.

Experts at Microsoft’s Copenhagen Quantum Materials Laboratory have also spent years perfecting techniques that allow engineers to create machines that are atomically precise. Thanks to tireless efforts, Microsoft has achieved a new breakthrough.

However, Microsoft’s quantum leaders have not dared to be optimistic, when the amount of work ahead is still immeasurable. A quantum computer that can scale at will is still a dream at the moment.

But with a new breakthrough, accompanied by the appearance of advanced simulation systems and extremely high-precision devices, the project has gradually been shaped, no longer completely in the mystery.

There are no more major obstacles in topological qubit generation“, said senior manager Lauri Sainiemi. “This doesn’t mean we’re done – there’s still tons of work to do. But the basics have been answered, and now we’re approaching the technical problems and that’s what we’re after.“. nganh-dien-toan-luong-tu-202203151204066.chn

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