Relaxation exercises to help reduce stress effectively – LLODO

In the current era, almost everyone will suffer from stress, some people have little, some people have it continuously. To reduce stress you need to pocket some exercises that can be done on the spot to dispel the stress and regain the feeling of being productive.

The helplessness and stress stem from the worry of food, money, and not being able to go to work in the long-term “closed” Saigon state because of Covid-19. However, when the city has begun to “open up” again, it seems that the tensions have not ended. The fear that long-term quarantines may continue in the future leaves many people still in a state of long-term stress, unable to quickly adjust to the “new normal”.

Right now, if you regularly surf the web and social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc., you will easily find many ways to reduce stress shared by everyone. However, sometimes some methods work well for one person but not for another. There are many factors that influence how effective stress reduction strategies are for an individual.

There are two main reasons why a method doesn’t work for someone:

  1. They are not suitable for individual users.
  2. They were not suitable for the situation at the time.

For example, breathing exercises are quite effective at reducing stress but still not strong enough for you to cope with the long-term stress of work or some other type of chronic stress.

With so many shared stress relievers, finding the one that works best for you and your stressful situation can be a lengthy process. Here are some techniques to help you relax and get out of a stressful situation quickly. However, before practicing a particular method, you should consult with your doctor and health professionals to choose the most useful method.

stress relief exercises

Breathing exercises to relieve stress

These exercises are useful in cases of acute stress, as they often work quickly. Here is a belly breathing exercise and breathing evenly.

Belly breathing

When you breathe in, you push air through the diaphragm (separation between the lungs and the abdomen) and expand the abdomen, increasing the amount of air entering the lungs.

Steps to learn how to breathe slowly through the diaphragm:

Stage 1: prepare

  • For comfort, lie down on the floor or bed with a pillow under your head. Or sit in a comfortable chair with your head, neck and shoulders relaxed and your knees bent
  • Then place one hand under the rib cage and the other on the heart
  • Inhale and exhale through your nose, noticing how your stomach and ribcage move as you breathe.

Stage 2: practice belly breathing

  • Inhale through your nose, paying attention to your belly rising. Your breasts will be relatively still
  • Pinch your lips and exhale through your mouth. Try to work your abdominal muscles to push the air out at the end of the breath.

For this type of breathing to become automatic, you need to practice it every day. Try to do the exercise three or four times a day, up to 10 minutes.

Breathe regularly

Regular breathing is a form of breathing that originates from the ancient practice of yoga pranayama. This means that you inhale for the same amount of time as you exhale. You can practice breathing evenly from a sitting or lying position. Whichever position you choose, make sure you feel comfortable.

  • Close your eyes and notice how you breathe normally for a few breaths
  • Then slowly count 1-2-3-4 as you inhale through your nose
  • Exhale also count 4 seconds

Muscle relaxation

There are many muscle relaxation exercises, here is a full body relaxation exercise by Joy Rains, based on the Jacobon relaxation technique. Joy Rains recommends starting relaxation therapy with breathing exercises and then moving from the legs up. She suggests the following exercises:


  • Focus on your feet.
  • Point your feet downwards and curl your toes downwards.
  • Squeeze the muscles gently but do not stretch.
  • Notice the tension for a few minutes, then release and relax. Say again.
  • Notice the difference between muscles when they are tense and when they are relaxed.
  • Continue to stretch and relax the leg muscles from the feet to the abdomen.


  • Gently squeeze your abs, but don’t stretch.
  • Notice the tension for a few moments. Then release and notice the relaxation. Say again.
  • Know the difference between tense and relaxed muscles.

Shoulders and neck

  • Very gently shrug your shoulders straight towards your ears. Do not be stressful.
  • Feel the tension for a few minutes, release, and then feel the relaxation. Say again.
  • Notice the difference between tense and relaxed muscles.
  • Focus on the neck muscles, first tensing and then relaxing until you feel complete relaxation in this area.

Short meditations to reduce stress

Some people use meditation to reduce stress by interrupting long-lasting negative thought patterns. You can practice meditation by sitting or lying in a cool, dark, comfortable place, relaxing, and listening to melodious instrumental music. Guided recordings can make your meditation practice easier, suggesting step-by-step what you should do. Sound recordings or soothing music can also help you control the intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety.

In addition to the above exercises, people experiencing stress should also exercise regularly, pay attention to sleep care, maintain a healthy diet, and interact with people who bring positive experiences to themselves. Dear. However, when stress is out of control, individuals should seek support from relatives, friends, and health professionals such as doctors and psychotherapists.

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