Savita Bharadwa off Mayor Adams’ education team

Savita Bharadwa, a top education official in Mayor Eric Adams’ administration, is heading for the exit in the latest high-profile shake-up to hit City Hall, The Post has learned.

Bharadwa, the chief strategy officer for Schools Chancellor David Banks and the Department of Education, departed on Monday, according to a mayoral spokesperson.

“This was a shock wave. More changes could be coming,” a city official familiar with the move said. “I don’t think [Bharadwa] is a happy camper.”

City Hall and DOE sources were tight-lipped about the reason for Bharadwa’s departure and whether there was friction or a falling out with Banks or the mayor.

But a mayoral spokesperson said the DOE decided “it was best to part ways with this employee.”

“We constantly make efficiency and organizational changes at our agencies, as we did when we moved this individual to her most recent position,” the City Hall rep said in a statement.

“As a result of more recent changes, the department decided it was best to part ways with this employee. We wish her all the best in future endeavors.” 

Bharadwa, reached by The Post, declined to comment.

The Department of Education has parted ways with chief strategy officer Savita Bharadwa.
The Department of Education has parted ways with chief strategy officer Savita Bharadwa.

Before joining the Adams’ administration, Bharadwa was chief of staff for Newark Public Schools and previously served a stint in the city DOE’s Office of Portfolio Management from 2012 to 2014.

The chief strategy officer is just the latest high-profile departure during Adams’ first 18 months as mayor.

Earlier this year, former Deputy Chancellor Desmond Blackburn left the DOE.

It was unclear if Bharadwa left after a falling out with Mayor Eric Adams or Schools Chancellor David Banks.
It was unclear if Bharadwa left after a falling out with Mayor Eric Adams or Schools Chancellor David Banks.
Andrew Schwartz /

Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell recently announced her resignation amid reports of a power struggle with the mayor over appointments and Fernando Cabrera, a City Hall faith-based advisor and former Bronx councilman, also left the administration.

Other departures include former chief of staff Frank Carone, communications director Maxwell Young, first deputy mayor Lorraine Grillo, chief housing officer Jessica Katz,  Buildings Commissioner Eric Ulrich,  chief counsel Brendan McGuire, and Social Services//Homeless Commissioner Gary Jenkins, among others.

David Banks, as chancellor, is part of Adams’ tight inner circle. David’s brother, Philip Banks, is the deputy mayor for public safety. First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright is David’s partner.

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