Softline successfully deployed Sacombank’s 2021 AGM streaming channel – LLODO

Digitizing the AGM – an essential trend of every business

The trend of digitizing business operating processes, helping to increase the flexibility of the working environment, has been applied by many businesses in the past 2 years, and holding an online General Meeting of Shareholders is a typical example. As a pioneer in organizing the online model of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Sacombank has proven the convenience and usefulness of this modern model to businesses across the country, helping to improve the convenience of the customers. beneficial to both the business and the participating shareholders. For 3 consecutive years, Sacombank has also continuously improved and improved the process of holding the General Meeting of Shareholders to enhance the customer experience. Specifically, Sacombank’s online AGM for fiscal year 2021 has received much praise with the new election feature – appointment of board members, built on the Microsoft Azure platform, with technical support. technique of the team of Softline experts. This form of electronic voting is also highly appreciated because it meets the legal requirements, while ensuring confidentiality and integrity in the counting of votes.

Softline successfully deployed Sacombank's 2021 AGM online streaming channel - Photo 1.

Softline and Sacombank experts are supervising the technique

Challenges and practical experiences from Sacombank in the digitalization journey

With the benefits brought, it is undeniable that the online General Meeting of Shareholders can completely replace the traditional form of General Meeting of Shareholders by outstanding benefits such as: cost savings, limited disease spread, improved convenience benefits for shareholders, ensuring the accuracy, fairness and transparency of the event.

However, in reality, organizing an online GMS event with a scale of up to thousands of attendees is a big challenge, especially for businesses with limited experience and resources. Therefore, choosing a reliable partner is one of the prerequisites, helping businesses ensure that the event will be successful and fully meet essential factors such as the stability of the transmission line. and information security.

Representative from Sacombank – the enterprise that started the trend of applying digital technology to organize the General Meeting of Shareholders, Mr. Tran Thai Binh – Deputy Director of Information Technology Division cum Director of Sacombank Digital Banking Technology Center had a few words to share. Share: “With many experiences through 3 online AGMs, we are satisfied with the results and successes achieved so far. However, along with the rapid development of technology in parallel with the The accompanying security risks have brought challenges for Sacombank in having to constantly update new technologies and improve the organization’s election process in order to bring optimal experiences to Sacombank’s shareholders. Behind the success of 3 consecutive AGMs, I especially express my deep gratitude to the team of Security and Cloud experts from Softline, under technical advice and supervision on Microsoft Azure and Cloudflare platforms, Softline helped the AGM to end successfully in absolute confidentiality with what Softline has done implementation, I fully believe that Sacombank and Softline will accompany each other more in implementing digital solutions into businesses in the near future.”

Softline successfully deployed Sacombank's 2021 AGM online streaming channel - Photo 2.

Softline experts and Sacombank’s representatives take souvenir photos

Strategic digital partner – the key to the success of Sacombank’s online shareholders’ meeting

Cybersecurity is always a prerequisite and decisive factor for the success of the online General Meeting of Shareholders. Because putting sensitive business data on the Cloud will easily become the target of hacker groups, causing heavy damage to the reputation and property of the business if encountered. Therefore, equipping security solutions combined with a powerful Cloud platform is a safety measure to help Sacombank stay out of the reach of these hacker groups.

Softline – as one of the leading experts in deploying digital solutions, continues to use the Microsoft Azure platform in combination with the Cloudflare system with advanced security features, creating a secure perimeter. Multi-layer virtual security, helping the conference to take place smoothly with stable connection and ensuring optimal network information security.

All the successes of the General Meeting of Shareholders have proved the efforts of the Softline team, with the mission of always providing customers with the best experiences, helping businesses optimize costs, reach out to develop with digital technology.

Once again, Softline would like to thank businesses in general and Sacombank in particular for always trusting and accompanying Softline during the past time. Softline looks forward to continuing to bring modern technology solutions to help businesses be more successful in the upcoming digital transformation journey.

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