Students think the solution “Robots climb walls, go through sewers instead of humans” won the first prize of Samsung’s innovation contest – LLODO

The Solve for Tomorrow 2021 contest organized by Samsung is a good opportunity for middle and high school students nationwide to have the opportunity to show off their knowledge and creative talents, and at the same time compete with each other for a common goal: to create inventions that benefit society.

The final round had the participation of 20 teams – 20 projects from many provinces across the country, the teams brought to Solve for Tomorrow 2021 the most unique initiatives. It is possible to mention the project “Research on the application of design non-contact suction force method”, built a wall climbing robot to serve in the exploration and inspection of drainage pipes by the Robo KAT team.

The robot that climbs the wall and goes through the sewer instead of a human won the first prize of the Solve for Tomorrow creative competition organized by Samsung - Photo 1.

Photo of the Robo KAT group giving a product presentation.

The breakthrough in technology application has brought the Robo KAT team the first prize of the Solve for Tomorrow 2021 contest. According to the description of a group of young talents from Truong Xuan Secondary School, Dong Thap Province, the device will help check and monitor narrow spaces that do not allow people to move freely, such as centrifugal sewers or civil square sewers.

In addition, the robot can help clean and clean glass, walls, ceilings or high-rise buildings, besides checking architectural structures, mold moisture, surface materials of high-rise buildings. A project can do so many things, it’s not surprising that the Robo KAT team won first place in the competition.

Robots climbing walls and tunnels instead of humans won the first prize in the Solve for Tomorrow creative competition organized by Samsung - Photo 2.

Robo KAT team with their invention.

Medical waste, or specifically disposable masks, is another problem in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to cope with the negative impact that mask waste can cause, The Eco Warriors team from Hanoi – Amsterdam High School for the Gifted has successfully built a machine to recycle medical masks into plastic products.

The robot that climbs the wall and goes through the sewer instead of a human won the first prize of the Solve for Tomorrow creative competition organized by Samsung - Photo 3.

The Eco Warriors and mask recycling equipment.

The device can turn used masks into plastic pots, and at the same time achieve many goals with just one initiative; The device can both reduce waste and recycle materials to make planters.

Out of a total of nearly 1,500 entries from 315 high schools across 52 provinces, two cleaning robot products and a mask recycling machine were the best, and jointly won the first prize in the Solve for Tomorrow contest. In addition, the Solve for Tomorrow 2021 organizers awarded 2 more second prizes, 6 third prizes and 10 community prizes for the most outstanding projects.

Excited with the creative power from all parts of Vietnam, the representative of the Organizing Committee shared: “Hopefully, from Solve for Tomorrow 2021, students will continue to pursue their passion and spread their love of technology to many generations of young people across the country, in order to contribute positive solutions to the community. community and society. samsung-20220119122031804.chn


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