Taiwan Promotes Science and Technology Application for Indigenous Communities – OpenGov Asia – LLODO

China has ramped up support for small businesses, especially individual ones, by launching new websites that extend better services, according to the State Administration for Market Regulation. The latest data from the administration showed that among China’s over 150 million market entities, 102 million are an individual or home businesses and 43.17 million are small and micro firms. They depend on accessible services and information to survive.

The two new websites going online on Dec 16, one as an integrated registration services platform for all market entities and the other a government-business interaction window, are established to meet those needs. The websites will provide timely and accurate information about the market and relevant policies.

China has also rolled out two platforms to improve services for self-employed and private businesses as part of the country’s broader push to support all market players for greater vitality. The latest data from the administration showed that among China’s over 150 million market entities, 102 million are self-employed businesses and 43.17 million are small and private firms. They depend on accessible services and information to survive.

One of the new platforms integrates the portal to must-have administrative business procedures of different places in China. Self-employed and private businesses can apply for company registration, variation and removal on the integrated platform.

The other platform offers channels to understand, apply, and inquire about relevant policies and information. For instance, they can know about current petty loans from different banks and financial institutions and how to apply for them.

The move is to further support the development of the country’s self-employed and private businesses, to relieve their bottlenecks while doing business, and to make business-benefit policies more accessible for them. The recent Central Economic Work Conference said China will use its macroeconomic policies to continuously stimulate the vitality of market entities next year.

Such efforts have offered some down-to-earth help for us self-employed businesses. A more timely policy will help bail out some temporary difficulties, especially those arising from COVID-19. China’s self-employed and private businesses have been developing rapidly and have played an important role in stabilising economic growth. The country will closely track their operational conditions and give stronger policy support.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said private enterprises contribute on average around 50% of tax revenue, 60% of GDP, 70%  of technological innovation, and 80% of urban employment. To some extent, China’s economy will be in good momentum if private and smaller businesses remain sound. Many of them are increasingly being recognised for their role as leaders for new concepts and new business models.

As reported by OpenGov Asia, China issued a guideline on developing the mobile terminal for a nationwide integrated administrative service platform to move more government services online using mobile phones. The development will combine mobile terminals of the administrative service platforms at the State level, State Council department level, and provincial level.

The guideline encourages the creation of unified standards in terms of developing and accessing the integrated mobile terminal, its quality management, as well as security protection and management. The integrated system will have a list of high-demand services that can be accessed with a fingertip, focusing on education, social security, healthcare, and taxation, among other areas. With unified management, procedures should be improved and documents streamlined in providing mobile administrative services.

The guideline also requires a unification of identity recognition, including on a cross-regional, cross-departmental basis, data sharing, and application management. Mobile terminals of administrative service platforms should introduce better functions such as personalised records, easier searches, service rating, and seniors-friendly modes, and can be extended to public transport, utilities, and other services concerning people’s livelihoods. The guideline calls for using technologies including big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and 5G to make mobile administrative services easier to access.

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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