They were so __________ about joining the local volunteer group that they couldn’t sleep last night.

  • Question:

    They were so __________ about joining the local volunteer group that they couldn’t sleep last night.

    Reference explanation:

    Correct Answer: EASY

    Knowledge of word form

    A. excite /ɪk’saɪt/ (v): excited

    B. excitement /ɪk’saɪtmənt/ (n): excitement

    C. exciting /ɪk’saɪtŋ/ (a): interesting

    D. excited /ɪk’saɪtɪd/ (a): excited

    * Distinguish:

    Excited – used to express the feelings of the subject (usually a person)

    Exciting – refers to the nature of things

    Last night they were so excited about joining the local volunteer organization that they couldn’t sleep.


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