This is a “phone” for dogs, allowing them to video call themselves with their owners – LLODO

Many times when you go on a business trip, travel and can’t bring your dog with you on those multi-day trips, they will definitely miss you and sometimes feel stressed because they don’t know where you are.

There are quite a few devices that allow you to video call home so your dog can see your face and hear your voice, but what if the dog himself wants to call you? Is there a device that helps them do this?

This is a phone for dogs, helping them to video call themselves with their owners - Photo 1.

That’s the problem Dr Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas from the University of Glasgow wanted to find a solution to, and with the help of other researchers from Aalto University in Finland, they created a device called DogPhone , a phone for dogs. It’s basically a device placed inside their toy.

DogPhone could empower ‘pandemic pups’ to stay in touch with their owners

In the test version, the device was placed in a ball that Zack, Hirskyj-Douglas’s labrador, loved. This device will be connected to a laptop that can make video calls, whenever the dog plays with the ball, the sensor inside will notice the movement and start transmitting a signal for the laptop to video call Hirskyj-Douglas . This means that calling will be up to the dog, not the owner.

This is a phone for dogs, helping them make video calls with their owners - Photo 3.

However, this doesn’t always bring you comfort, Hirskyj-Douglas says that if she doesn’t receive a call from Zack for a long time, she may feel anxious for fear that something is wrong. at home.

Another issue is do the dogs understand that they are acting to talk to the owner? Do they really want to “check” how their master is doing? There are many questions surrounding DogPhone that still have not been answered.

And do they prefer Windows or macOS laptops?

Reference: Gizmodo


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