Tổng hợp lý thuyết 34 từ tiếng anh đổi nghĩa khi đổi trọng âm tiếng anh lớp 12


/ ˈpɜ:.mɪt /

(n) giấy phép

Do you have a PER-mit to drive this lorry?

/ pəˈmɪt /

(v) cho phép

Will you per-MIT me to park my car in front of your house?


/’ pɜ:.vɜːt/

(n) kẻ hư hỏng, kẻ đồi bại

Niharika is a PER-vert.

/ pəˈvɜːt /

(v) xuyên tạc, làm hư hỏng,

sai lệch

The man was arrested on a charge of attempt-ing to per-VERT the course of justice.


/prez.ent /

(n) món quà

She gave me a nice PRES-ent on my birthday.

/ prɪˈzent /

(v) giới thiệu

Allow me to pres-ENT my friend, David.


/ prɒd.juːs/

(n) nông sản, vật phẩm

They sell all kinds of PRO-duce at the market.

/ prəˈdjuːs /

(v) sản xuất, tạo ra

How did the magician manage to pro- DUCE a rabbit from his top hat?


/ prəu.test /

(n) sự phản kháng, kháng


There was a political PRO-test going on in the street.

/ prəˈtest /

(v) phản kháng

I had to pro-TEST about the dirty state of the kitchen.


/ rɪ:.kaːl/

(n) sự làm nhớ lại, hồi tưởng lại

The actor was given a RE-call

/ rɪˈkɔːl /

(v) hồi tưởng, làm nhớ lại

I can’t re-CALL the first time I rode a bicycle.


/ rek.ɔːd /

(n) bản lưu, bản ghi lại

She always keeps a RE-cord of what she spends every month.

/ rɪˈkɔːd /

(v) lưu trữ, ghi chép lại

It’s important to re-CORD how much you spend every month.


/rɪ:.dʒekt /

(n) phế phẩm

The item in this box is a RE-ject.

/rɪˈdʒekt /

(v) từ chối

We have decided to re-JECT the building pro-posal as it would have cost too much money.


/sʌ.spekt /

(n) kẻ tình nghi

The police interviewed the SUS-pect for five hours, but then let him go.

/səˈspekt /

(v) nghi ngờ, hoài nghi điều

gì đúng, xảy ra

I sus-PECT that tree will have to be cut down, before it falls and causes some damage.

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