Tổng hợp lý thuyết bài tập áp dụng các cấu trúc thông dụng trong tiếng anh có đáp án chi tiết tiếng anh lớp 12

Bài tập áp dụng

Bài tập

Exercise 1: Chọn phương án đúng

  1.   the letter, she cried a lot because of what he had written to her.
    1. Having read B. To read C. Read D. Being read
  2. Today, the old couple has their family and friends           their golden wedding anniversary.
    1. attend B. to attend C. attended D. attending
  3. The jury           her compliments         her excellent knowledge of the subject.
    1. returned/to B. paid/to C. returned/ on D. paid/on
  4. After running up the stairs, I was           breath.
    1. away from B. without C. no D. out of
  5. Neil Armstrong was the first man           on the moon.
    1. walking B. has walked C. to walk D. walked
  6. It was not until he took off his dark glasses           I realized he was a famous film star.
    1. as B. that C. though D. since
  7. I am sure that everything will be all right          .
    1. in the end B. at the end C. by the end D. for the end
  8. I’m sure you’ll have no            the exam.
    1. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass C. difficulty to pass D. difficulties of passing
  9. Vietnam’s rice export this year will decrease           about 10%, compared with that of last year.
    1. with B. at C. by D. on
  10. I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning.
    1. It’s difficult for me to get up early in the morning.
    2. I’m used to getting up early in the morning.
    3. I hate getting up early in the morning.
    4. I used to get up early in the morning.
  11. John congratulated us           our exam with high marks.
    1. on passing B. for passing C. to pass D. on pass
  12. I assume that you are acquainted           this subject since you are responsible        writing accompanying materials.
    1. to/for B. with/for C. to/to D. with/with
  13. The old woman accused the boy            the window.
    1. in breaking B. on breaking C. at breaking D. of breaking
  14. In order to make the house more beautiful and newer, the Browns had it          yesterday.
    1. to be repainted B. repaint C. repainted D. to repaint
  15. I love            films but I seldom find time to go to the cinema.
    1. seeing B. see C. saw D. seen
  16. We’re going to freeze out here if you don’t let us           the bus.
    1. come up B. go into C. take off D. get on
  17. Kevin put a fence so that people didn’t walk on his garden.
    1. Kevin put a fence because he wants to remind people to walk on his garden.






  1. In order to tell people to walk on his garden, Kevin put a fence.
  2. So as to encourage people to walk on his garden, Kevin put a fence.
    1. I regret going to the cinema. I wish I             
      1. hadn’t gone there B. haven’t gone there

C. didn’t go there D. would not go there

  1. “Why don’t you ask your parents for advice?” said Tom.
    1. Tom advised me asking my parents for advice.
    2. Tom said to me to ask my parents for advice.
    3. Tom wanted to know the reason why I don’t ask my parents for advice.
    4. Tom suggested that I ask my parents for advice.
  2. He was suspected to have stolen credit cards. The police have investigated him for days.
    1. He has been investigated for days, suspected to have stolen credit cards.
    2. Suspecting to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.

c. Having suspected to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.

  1. Suspected to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.


Exercise 2: Chọn phương án đúng

  1. The house is too dark. You need           a bright color.
    1. to be painted B. painting it C. to have it painted D. to have it paint
  2. My music teacher suggested           for an hour before breakfast.
    1. practising B. to practise C. having practised D. to practising
  3. It’s no good           to him; he never answers letters.
    1. write B. to write C. writing D. for writing
  4. We all           working with you. You are so dynamic.
    1. believe B. judge C. think D. appreciate
  5.   have made communication faster and easier through the use of email and Internet is widely recognized.
    1. That it is computers B. That computers

C. Computers that D. It is that computers

  1. He           his wife for forgetting their wedding anniversary
    1. approached B. reproached C. reproduced D. renounced
  2. Bill was on the verge of speeding when he saw the patrolman.
    1. Bill was given a speeding ticket by the patrolman.
    2. Bill was speeding when he saw the patrolman.
    3. Bill was about to speed when he saw the patrolman.
    4. Bill told the patrolman that he had not been speeding.
  3. Lan didn’t apply for the job in the library and regrets it now.
    1. Lan wishes she had applied for the job in the library.
    2. Lan wishes she hadn’t applied for the job in the library.






D. Lan wishes she applies for the job in the library.

  1. Why not           the meeting until Thursday morning?
    1. postpone B. postponing C. you postpone D. do you postpone
  2. There is no point in your phoning Jane – she’s away.
    1. It would be a waste of time phoning Jane – she’s away.
    2. You waste your time if you insist on phoning Jane – she’s away.
    3. Don’t spend your valuable time phoning Jane – she’s out.
    4. Jane is very difficult to phone – she’s always away.
  3. We’ve had to postpone           to France because the children are ill.
    1. be gone B. to go C. going D. go
  4. I didn’t see the red light at the crossroads. Otherwise, I           my car.
    1. stopped B. had stopped C. would have stopped D. would stop
  5. I remember            him tomorrow. It will be a big sum of money I’ve been saving so far.
    1. paying B. to pay C. paid D. to be paid
  6. The bed-ridden old man objected           as a burden on his family.
    1. to being regarded B. at his being regarded

C. with his regarding D. for regarding

  1. Her mother can’t stand           her at home all day.
    1. seeing B. see C. seen D. to see
  2. My little brother is very            collecting sea shells.
    1. interested of B. keen in C. fond on D. interested in
  3. Tom denied            part in the fighting at school.
    1. to take B. take C. to taking D. taking
  4. “I haven’t been very open-minded,” said the manager.
    1. The manager promised to be very open-minded.
    2. The manager admitted not having been very open-minded.
    3. The manager denied having been very open-minded.
    4. The manager refused to have been very open-minded.
  5. The president offered his congratulations to the players when they won the cup.
    1. The president congratulated the players on their winning the match.
    2. When they won the cup, the players had been offered some congratulations from the president,
    3. The president would offered the players congratulations if they won the match.
    4. The president congratulated that the players had won the cup.
  6. The child that we caught            was made to stand in the corner of the classroom.
    1. misbehavior B. misbehave C. behaving D. misbehaving


Exercise 3: Chọn phương án đúng

  1. The shop assistant is ready to           me a helping hand. She is very nice.
    1. take B. lend C. offer D. get






  1. of B. in c. to D. at
  1. The suspect confessed          .
    1. the police his crime B. his crime

C. his crime the police D. his crime to the police

  1. She           to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.
    1. used to B. was used to C had used to D. didn’t used to
  2. There has been an announcement from the Principal that the students will not hear the bell             this week as it has broken.
    1. ring B. ringing C. rang D. rung
  3. Don’t use the milk I bought last month. It’s           date now.
    1. out of B. in for c. into D. over
  4. I don’t mind           much homework.
    1. did B. to do C. do D. doing
  5. My student practises          English with her friends every day.
    1. speaking B. to speak C. spoke D. speak
  6. Studies indicate           collecting art today than ever before.
    1. more people that are B. there are that more people

C. that there are more people D. people there are more

  1. Edith Harlow has kindly agreed            . You should ask him.
    1. to helping B. to help C. help D. helping
  2.    , he tried his father didn’t let him run the company.
    1. Although hard B. No matter what C. However hard D. Whatever hard
  3. As well as            in an office he used to have a part-time as a waiter.
    1. having worked B. working C. to have worked D. to work
  4. I was just about            the office when the telephone rang.
    1. to have left B. leave C. to leave D. leaving
  5. Instead of            about the good news, Peter seemed to be indifferent.
    1. exciting B. being excited C. to excite D. to be excited
  6. She nearly lost her own life            attempting to save the child from drowning.
    1. at B. with C. in D. for
  7. Tom never comes to class on time and            
    1. neither does Peter B. so does Peter

C. so doesn’t Peter D. neither doesn’t Peter

  1. This book provides students            useful tips that help them to pass the coming exam.
    1. about B. for c.<spa

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