Tổng hợp lý thuyết bài tập áp dụng cụm từ cố định (collocation) có đáp án chi tiết tiếng anh lớp 12

Bài tập áp dụng

Bài tập

Exercise 1: Chọn phương án đúng

  1. After congratulating his team, the coach left, allowing the players to let their             down for a while.
    1. hearts B. hair C. souls D. heads
  2. Alice said: “That guy is            gorgeous. I wish he would ask me out.”
    1. dead-centre B. drop shot C. jumped-up D. drop-dead
  3. The party leader travelled the length and          of the country in an attempt to spread his message.
    1. width B. distance C. diameter D. breadth
  4.  Vietnam U23 made not only Asia but also Europe keep a close eye on them. They                      internationally.
    1. have made headlines B. had made headlines   C. have done headlines D. did headlines
  5. If we didn’t           any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever.
    1. use B. make C. take D. do
  6. People who take on a second job inevitably           themselves to greater stress.
    1. offer B. subject C. field D„ place
  7. It is the           of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather.
    1. height B. depth C. source D. matter
  8. The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes helped pave the way for academic freedom in the modern sense.
    1. terminate B. prevented C. enhanced D. incorporated
  9. Both universities speak           of the programme of student exchange and hope to cooperate more in the future.
    1. highly B. largely C. strongly D. widely




  1.    My neighbors are really tight with money. They hate throwing away food, don’t eat at restaurant, and always try to find the best price.
    1. to spend money too easily B. to not like spending money

C. to not know the value of money D. to save as much money as possible

  1.    We were all in a             mood because the weather was good and we were going on holiday the next day.
    1. bad B. well C. excellent D. good
  2. On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed.
    1. In fact B. In particular C. At once D. In general
  3. With this type of insurance, you’re buying            of mind.
    1. peace B. satisfaction C. calmness D. contentment
  4. Could you me a lift into town?
    1. give B. get C. do D. make
  5. The players’ protests no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
    1. did B. made C. caused D. created
  6. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye            with the interviewers.
    1. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
  7. It was no accident that he broke my glasses. He did it            purpose.
    1. with B. on C. by D. about
  8. I read the contract again and again           avoiding making spelling mistakes.
    1. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view of
  9. Please don’t a word of this to anyone else, it’s highly confidential.
    1. speak B. pass C. mutter D. breathe
  10. My advice is that you get straight to the point in the next report.
    1. If I were you, I would go straight to the bush in the next report.
    2. If I were you, I would have the next report got started.
    3. If I were you, I would not beat around the bush in the next report.
    4. If I were you, I would not point out the next report.


Exercise 2: Chọn phương án đúng

  1. I am glad I was able to be there for my friend when her mom died.
    1. to offer support in time of need for B. to cry with

C. to travel with D. to visit

  1. She simply took it for granted that the check was good and did not ask him any questions about it.
    1. permitted it B. accepted it without investigation

C. objected to it D. looked it over

  1. When you consider all the advantages you’ve gained I think you’ll admit you had a good           for your money.
    1. run B. way C. earn D. drive




  1. In a modern family the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to              the household chores.
    1. do B. make C. run D. take
  2. While everyone else in this class prefers working in groups, Alice likes working            
    1. on her own B. of her own C. on herself D. in herself
  3. Reaching 35 and obviously aging, Jane has to make up her mind on her future very soon.
    1. give a thought about B. pay attention to C. prepare a plan for D. make a decision on
  4. Foreign  students who are           a decision about which school to attend may not know exactly where the choices are located.
    1. doing B. making C. taking D. having
  5. Since he failed his exam, he had to           for it again.
    1. pass B. make C. take D. sit
  6. It is very important for a film or a company to keep           the changes in the market.
    1. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with
  7. My brother left his job last week because he did not have any           to travel.
    1. position B. chance C. ability D. location
  8. I haven’t read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I’m                with recent developments.
    1. out of reach B. out of the condition   C. out of touch D. out of the question
  9. Laws on military service since 1960 still hold good.
    1. remain for good B. are still in good condition

C. stand in life D. remain in effect

  1. I get quite depressed when I think about the damage we are          to the environment.
    1. having B. taking C. making D. causing
  2. I stayed there with her for a while before I left.
    1. in the difficult time B. whenever she needed me

C. for relaxation D. for a short period of time

  1. I am glad that we see eye to eye on the matter of the conference location.
    1. dislike B. agree c. disagree D. approve
  2. Make sure you            us a visit when you are in town again.
    1. pay B. have c. give D. do
  3. I used to run a mile before breakfast but now I am            
    1. not used to it B. no longer practice it  C. out of practice D. out of the habit
  4. The government is determined to           terrorism.
    1. put the stop to B„ put stop to C. put stops to D. put a stop to
  5. Can I            our brain for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself.
    1. use B. have C. mind D. pick
  6. We are going to build a fence around the field with           to breeding sheep and cattle.
    1. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view






  1. The detective was asked to probe into the mysterious disappearance of the painting.
    1. investigate B. procure c. recover D. relinquish
  2. Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the              of extinction.
    1. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
  3. When old Mr. Barnaby died, several people           their claim to the substantial legacy that he left.
    1. placed B. drew C. assumed D. laid
  4. The local press has been pouring           on the mayor for dissolving the council.
    1. scorn B. blame C. disapproval D. hatred
  5. The food was so delicious that I had a second           
    1. plate B. serving C. helping D. time
  6. His work            new ground in the treatment of cancer. It is now giving many cancer victims hope of complete recovery.
    1. broke B. found C. dug D. uncovered
  7. I’m not going to go ice skating! I’d only fall over and           a fool of myself.
    1. create B. show C. do D. make
  8. As orders are becoming more and more, we’ve been rushed off our feet all week.
    1. very angry B. very busy C. very worried D. very happy
  9. The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close the factory.
    1. was dismissed B. was acclaimed C. was criticized D. was penalized
  10. I find myself at a loss to understand Harold’s behavior.
    1. I lost contact with Harold, so I couldn’t understand his behavior.
    2. I have to lose a lot to understand Harold’s behavior.
    3. I understood Harold’s behavior completely.
    4. I find Harold’s behavior quite incomprehensible.
  11. When the police arrived the thieves took to flight leaving all the stolen things behind.
    1. did away B. climbed on C. took away D. ran away
  12. My friend is good at mimicking people. He            a great impression of Charlie Chaplin.
    1. made B. did C. took D. gave
  13. You can ask Matin anything about history. He actually has quite a good            for facts.
    1. head B. understanding C. knowledge D. ability
  14. It was such a sad film that we all were reduced           tears at the end.
    1. with B„ onto C. to D. into
  15. I used to            reading comics, but now I’ve grown out of it.
    1. take a fancy to B. keep an eye on C. get a kick out of D. kick up a fuss about
  16. Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible, mommy!” Mommy:”     it will do you a power of good.”
    1. Come what may B. By the by <

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