Types and Trends of Biometric Security Technology in 2021 – LLODO

by Analytics Insight

December 26, 2021

Biometrics security

Biometrics security aims to answer this issue by linking proof-of-identity to our bodies and behavior patterns.

Biometrics are rising as an advanced layer to many personal and enterprise security systems. With the unique identifiers of your biology and behaviours, this may seem foolproof. However, biometric identity has made many cautious about its use as standalone authentication.

Modern cybersecurity is focused on reducing the risks for this powerful security solution: traditional passwords have long been a point of weakness for security systems. Biometrics aims to answer this issue by linking proof-of-identity to our bodies and behaviour patterns.


Three Types of Biometrics Security

While they can have other applications, biometrics have been often used in security, and you can mostly label biometrics into three groups:

1. Biological biometrics use traits at a genetic and molecular level. These may include features like DNA or your blood, which might be assessed through a sample of your body’s fluids.

2. Morphological biometrics involve the structure of your body. More physical traits like your eye, fingerprint, or the shape of your face can be mapped for use with security scanners.

3. Behavioural biometrics are based on patterns unique to each person. How you walk, speak, or even type on a keyboard can be an indication of your identity if these patterns are tracked.


Trends of this Technology


Mobile payments are considered more secure than card payments due to the possibility of using biometric technologies to confirm the buyer’s identity.



Biometric data used to identify users (facial recognition and retinal scans, in particular) is currently considered one of the vital biometric trends in global Internet banking.



Biometric passenger identification systems have become one of the leading technological innovations in airports, customs, and other checkpoints worldwide. Face recognition technologies and fingerprints are used for passenger boarding and for baggage check-in.



Biometric data is increasingly used for border control and counter-terrorism purposes. They can be used by law enforcement agencies to identify a person with a high degree of accuracy.

Also, states use biometric technology for forensic purposes. The use of biometrics in forensic science is useful because it allows you to identify a person and confirm their involvement or non-involvement in a particular crime. It can reveal the connection between a given person and some action, event, place, or another person before, during, or after a particular incident.



The biometric HR solution provides more accurate attendance information, eliminates unnecessary payroll costs, and reduces labour costs. It also reduces operating costs by eliminating the need for an ID card or key fobs.

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