What was Bat-Mobile, Batman now rides a dragon! – LLODO

In addition to his ability to train his body beyond the limits of ordinary people, Batman is also famous for his unique and powerful high-tech weapons. Unable to fly like Superman, nor possessing super speed like Flash, but in return, Batman owns a Batmobile with full advanced features, allowing him to move faster, and sometimes tons. attack the enemy more effectively.

Batmobile is one of the familiar icons associated with Batman for many years. However, when the DC universe goes back in time to the medieval times, when technology has not yet developed as modern as it is today, Batman chooses a much cooler vehicle: a dragon!

What was Bat-Mobile, Batman now rides a dragon!  - Photo 1.

The Batmobile was originally Batman’s iconic vehicle, but when the DC universe returns to medieval times, the Batman has a much more interesting alternative.

Since November 2021, DC Comics has started publishing the Dark Knights of Steel series and brought its entire comic universe back to the Middle Ages. This series begins with the event that Jor-El and Lara, now pregnant with Kal-El, leave Krypton for Earth.

19 years later, Jol-El was assassinated and sent the kingdoms on the blue planet into chaos. However, the twist is that before dying, Jol-El revealed the secret of himself being Bruce Wayne’s father. That means that Batman and Superman are two half-brothers in this universe.

It was not until the 5th chapter of the story that Bruce decided to share this secret with his brother. However, once again DC “swerved” extremely sharply when Superman betrayed Batman, stabbed the Bat guy in the stomach with a piece of Kryptonite wrapped in lead armor and then lifted him up into the sky and threw it to the ground.

As Jol-El’s rightful heir in the midst of a raging war, Kal-El does not allow anyone, not even his brothers or friends, to challenge his throne. Fortunately for Bruce, however, a couple accidentally found his bruised body still alive after being murdered by Superman and helped him recover.

What was Bat-Mobile, Batman now rides a dragon!  - Photo 2.

After recovering, Batman rode the dragon and returned to “account” with Superman.

To “tease” the return of Bruce Wayne in Dark Knights of Steel #7, released on June 7, writer Tom Taylor has shared an impressive illustration: Batman riding a dragon to out to battle. “I can finally share this photo,” Taylor wrote on her personal Twitter, “Batman will ride on the back of a giant super dragon!

The next chapters of Dark Knights of Steel promise to bring extremely fierce battles, not only between the kingdoms on Earth, but also between the two children of Jol-El. Although in this universe, Batman is half alien, but he will certainly still be at a disadvantage if he has to confront Superman, a “genuine” resident of Krypton. So, a powerful dragon will definitely be the necessary help for Batman to overcome the upcoming difficult battle.

According to ScreenRant


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