Elon Musk criticized Americans for always ‘trying to avoid going to work’, not as good as Chinese workers ‘not afraid to go to work at 3am’ – LLODO

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said he expects China to create “some very strong companies” because of the disparity from the country’s workforce.

There are a lot of super talented, hard-working people in China who believe in manufacturing.” Musk said in an interview with Financial Times on 10/5.

“They don’t just stay up late working until midnight. They will work hard even at 3 a.m.” he continued. “They won’t even leave the factory, while in the US people are trying to avoid going to work.”

Musk himself is famous for sleeping on the floor with his workers at the Tesla factory in Fremont during a time when it was running at full capacity to deliver Model 3s.

“I want my situation to always be worse than anyone else in the company,” he told the newspaper Bloomberg back in 2018. “Whenever they [công nhân] I feel pain, I want to be worse.”

Elon Musk criticized Americans for always 'trying to avoid going to work', not as good as Chinese workers 'not afraid to go into shifts at 3 am' - Photo 1.

According to the richest person in the world, money is not an important issue for talented employees.

Last month, workers at Tesla’s Shanghai super plant were told to sleep at the facility to keep production running after a three-week shutdown. According to Bloomberg, each worker will be provided with a sleeping bag and an air mattress and is expected to work 12-hour shifts with one day off per week.

But the trend of “camping at work” may be changing in China, after tech workers there protested against the “996” work schedule (9am-9pm, 9am to 9pm). six days a week).

“This way of working is very harmful to the human body, we have heard a lot of overtime deaths in recent years, but this deformed overtime system is still common. variable”, a blogger shared on the internet at the time. “We can’t help but ask the question – is it really worth trading our lives for money?”

Elon Musk criticized Americans for always 'trying to avoid going to work', not as good as Chinese workers 'not afraid to go to work at 3 am' - Photo 2.

Elon Musk praised Chinese workers who are not afraid to work day and night.

Meanwhile, Musk’s recent comments were made in response to a question about which electric-car startup impressed him the most, and he replied that it was Volkswagen – although the company did not. Doesn’t sound like a startup. Musk said Volkswagen is “doing the most” on the electric vehicle front.

Musk then went on to praise the software engineers and technologists on his team, saying that his company’s focus on challenges like artificial intelligence and space has helped him attract new hires. top talent.

He says the best minds are more interested in pushing the limits of innovation than getting paid to do boring jobs.

“It’s not a matter of money,” he said. “What really matters to them is how interesting those projects are.”

Refer to BI

https://genk.vn/elon-musk-che-nguoi-my-luon-co-tranh-di-lam-khong-bang-cong-nhan-trung-quoc-chang-ngai-vao-ca-luc- 3-gio-sang-202020512110952983.chn

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