How to know if a computer is infected with a virus? – LLODO

Is your computer running slow? Do you also often see strange windows pop up? Is your anti-virus program not working? These are all signs when a computer is infected with a virus.

How to know if a computer is infected with a virus?

If left untreated, Viruses can corrupt or delete data, steal your passwords or personal information, change settings, or cause your computer to crash. They can even infect other computers on your network.

Common types of computer viruses

Computer viruses come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they harm computers. The most common computer viruses include boot, memory, hidden in files and macros.

The boot virus hides in the boot record of the drive and executes immediately after the system boots. Virus memory resides in system memory and can run any time your operating system is running.

Viruses hidden in files often attach themselves to executable files with .com or .exe extensions. To modify or insert malicious code into an executable file.

Macro viruses are commonly spread through Microsoft Office programs such as Word and Excel. Viruses automatically embed in documents and spreadsheets. You can see how to attach a virus to Word here.

Signs that your computer has a Virus

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1. Computer running slow

One of the most common things Viruses do is slow down your computer, especially when you open a program or file. This can cause your computer to hang and become unresponsive to whatever you do.

Viruses can consume a significant amount of your system resources resulting in high CPU usage. Continuous heavy CPU usage can make your CPU hot resulting in reduced performance.

You may also notice that the Radiator Fan is running louder than usual. This is because the CPU is working harder to keep the system cool, thus using more power.

2. Strange windows pop up on the screen

If you see pop-ups without your permission, it may be because your computer has a Virus. These pop-ups can be annoying messages containing malware.

The messages will say your computer has been infected with a virus and you need to call a certain number to fix the problem. Such notices may also contain a link that will take you to a website containing a Virus.

3. Unwanted programs or tools

Viruses may try to install additional programs or tools without your consent to give criminals access to the system. If you notice a new program on your computer that you don’t remember installed, or your browser’s tools have changed, you may have a virus.

Also, if you start seeing strange icons on your computer, it could be another sign of a Virus. Icons may have question marks, and they may look different from the standard icons on your computer.

4. Data is lost

If the files disappeared from your computer without your knowledge, there is a good chance that there is a Virus on your system. The virus may have deleted the files or a hacker may have encrypted them for ransom.

Similarly, if you see a message stating that certain system files are corrupted, your computer may have a Virus. This may cause the computer to hang.

Sometimes email messages disappear automatically. If you can’t find the emails you were expecting, the Virus may have deleted them from your inbox. This is especially true if you don’t remember deleting them.

5. Antivirus not working

If the Anti-Virus program that you have installed on your system is not working, it is possible that the Virus has removed or disabled it. Viruses can disable your anti-virus program by registry.

When the malware disables the antivirus, it will run on its own without worrying about the antivirus. This makes your computer more vulnerable to attacks.

6. Spam coming from unknown sources

Are you receiving spam emails from addresses you don’t recognize? Your computer may have a Virus. This is because Virus can send email from your address without your consent.

One of the ways computers get infected with Viruses is through spam. These emails often contain a link to a fake website, and if you click on them, an executable file will be downloaded to your computer.

If you see any of the above signs, the most important thing is to take steps to scan for Viruses and remove them from your computer as soon as possible.

How to prevent and remove viruses

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One way to prevent Viruses from infecting your computer is to avoid visiting suspicious websites or clicking on links in spam emails. You should also avoid downloading pirated software or illegal material, as there is a high chance that they contain viruses.

Scan your computer for Viruses regularly and make sure you are running anti-virus software at the latest version.

You should also keep your operating system and all software related to it up to date, and set a strong password to access your computer. Check the processes on the computer or something is taking up too many resources.

Another thing to remember is to use a firewall to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on your home network, especially if you have a broadband connection. This will help prevent external computers from infecting your system with malware.

If you experience corrupted files, try restoring your PC to an earlier point in time. If the virus doesn’t seem to go away, you may need to reset your computer to factory settings. However, only do this if it does not affect your personal data.

If you’re still having problems after trying all of these options, it’s best to take your computer to a salon.

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