Mistakenly swallowed AirPod instead of medicine, still connected and received sound in the stomach – LLODO

Given the relatively small size, many people worried that children might accidentally swallow the AirPods, but it turns out, adults also have this problem, at least according to one TikTok user. TikTok user with the nickname iamcarliiib posted a video saying that she confused the pain reliever and the AirPod and swallowed the wrong headset. […]

Hunting year-end sales, beware of financial scams – LLODO

The end of the year is always a golden time for people, home hunting sales, “closing orders” for items that have long been satisfied with “bargain” prices. This year due to the complicated situation of Covid-19, discount deals were gradually moved to online form. From Black Friday discounts, December 12 sales, Christmas deals,… to New […]

China dominates immortal technology? – LLODO

According to the New York Times, from Moscow to Phoenix and from China to rural Australia, body freezing giants are facing new straining pressures for an industry that has long been faced with skepticism or hostility from medical institutions. Freezing corpses waiting to be revived – impossible task? When the body of an 87-year-old man […]

Using the “buy first, pay later” method to buy a laptop, the student worked hard to pay and after 7 years was shocked when she discovered this. – LLODO

A girl named Alison, who lives in Ontario, Canada, bought a laptop worth $700 (15.8 million) in 2014 with the “buy first, pay later” method. Over the past 7 years, she has paid a total of more than $2000 (45.3 million) still unfinished. Currently, she is still carrying a debt of nearly $ 400 (9 […]

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