Mistakenly swallowed AirPod instead of medicine, still connected and received sound in the stomach – LLODO

Given the relatively small size, many people worried that children might accidentally swallow the AirPods, but it turns out, adults also have this problem, at least according to one TikTok user.

Mistakenly swallowed AirPod into the stomach instead of medicine, still connected and received sound in the abdomen - Photo 1.

TikTok user with the nickname iamcarliiib posted a video saying that she confused the pain reliever and the AirPod and swallowed the wrong headset. Iamcarliib said “I went to bed with an Ibuprofen 800 pill in my right hand, an AirPod in my left hand. I put something in my mouth and drank water and realized it wasn’t an Ibuprofen pill. I tried to vomit but it didn’t come out.”

In another video, she says the in-belly earphones stay connected to her iPhone when she makes a call. A voice message she sent to her friend even had a rumbling sound in her stomach.

Finally, luckily, the headset can come out “naturally”, she said that she will not dare to use this left earphone anymore and she said she shared this video for “educational purposes”. sex”, because I am worried that someone will make the same mistake as me.

Reference: Apple Insider


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