8 Ways to Use Google Sheets Like a God – LLODO

2. Click Add questions here to create a form.

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3. The form data will appear on Form Responses 1 . You can customize this name.

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4. From the menu Tools, click Manage forms to access important Google Forms features on Google Sheets such as Submit Forms, Unlink Forms, etc.

Now you can quickly create Google Forms on Google Sheets and collect important data for your work without depending on others.

2. Minimize UI interaction with keyboard shortcuts

8 ways to use Google Sheets like a god

You can navigate faster on Google Sheets with keyboard shortcuts. Professional users memorize many keyboard shortcuts to avoid using the mouse. Press Ctrl + / to see a list of handy Google Sheets shortcuts on your desktop.

You can create a table of contents manually, link the content, link to a web page, and redirect to another sheet using hyperlinks on Google Sheets. Try these steps to create a hyperlink:

1. Right-click a cell and select Insert link.

2. You can paste the URL from a website into the search box.

3. You can select automatic suggestions below the search box.

4. You can also click Sheets and named ranges to link to any element of an existing sheet.

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3. Embed Sheet Data in Docs or Slides

Import data into Docs or Slides faster than from Sheets. Try these steps to import/export data to Docs or Slides from Sheets:

1. In Docs, click Insert then choose Chart.

2. You will see an option From Sheets. Click that.

3. Select any sheet with a chart to preview.

4. Select one and click Import.

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5. You will copy the chart from Sheets and paste it into the Docs file. This method also works for tabular data.

6. Select Link to spreadsheet for live chart or Paste unlinked for offline charts.

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On Google Slides, you can follow the same steps mentioned above to import data from Sheets.

4. Cell Lock for Collaborative Sheets

If you waste time checking the integrity of formulas, it’s time to use cell locking. It is useful for collaborative sheets where specific ranges of cells will not be changed.

To lock a range of cells or worksheets, follow these quick steps:

1. Highlight a range of cells or a cell.

2. Click Data in the toolbar, then select Protect sheets and ranges.

3. On the right panel, switch between Range or Sheet.

8 Ways to Use Google Sheets Like a God

4. Make your selection then click Set permissions.

5. Modify permission settings and click Done.

8 ways to use Google Sheets like a god

5. Add value to your data through images

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