A saying no one understands from 15 years ago made Apple the first $3 trillion company – LLODO

On January 3, Apple’s market capitalization had a time of reaching $ 3 trillion. This is a terrible number if you know that only about a year ago, Apple reached a market capitalization of 2 trillion USD. This unprecedented milestone shows that investors are trusting Apple completely even as the company faces a series of legal challenges related to control of the App Store and a market. The iPhone was said to be saturated for many years.

Looking at Apple today, many people will remember the famous speech in 2007 when Steve Jobs stood on stage and introduced the original iPhone. Jobs called the iPhone “a groundbreaking Internet communication device”. The concept was quite foreign at the time. Jobs told the audience that the company was introducing three new products, a “widescreen iPod with touch control”, a “revolutionary mobile phone” and a “groundbreaking Internet communication device”. ” above.

A saying no one understood from 15 years ago made Apple the first $3 trillion company - Photo 1.

The first two statements have clear meanings. Everyone at the time knew what an iPod was, and they could imagine what a widescreen version with a touch screen would be like. As for mobile phones, they have been around for a long time and observers have been expecting Apple to announce smartphones for a long time.

As for the third statement, almost no one knows what Jobs meant when he talked about a “groundbreaking Internet communication device”. No one can predict how it will change the way we communicate. However, that’s exactly what Jobs promised, exactly how Apple became a $3 trillion company.

The keyword here is “breakthrough”.

A lot of companies want you to think that what they’re trying to sell you is a breakthrough product. They want you to think it will change your life. A smart refrigerator certainly won’t change your life. Many things can help you, but most of them are not groundbreaking – except for the iPhone.

iPhone changes the way people interact with the world around them. In 2007, surfing the web on the phone appeared, but it was not very useful. Today, almost everything we do online, on the iPhone.

It’s where we order food, read the news, listen to music, watch movies, reply to emails, send messages, and take photos. For most people, it becomes the most essential thing they carry around every day – even more than a wallet.

Even if you’re using an Android phone, it’s hard to downplay the role iPhone plays in your life. Every smartphone manufacturer takes the iPhone as a yardstick, by comparing their products with the iPhone.

Apple has sold more than 1.5 billion iOS devices, most of which are iPhones. On its own, the iPhone would be the 15th largest business in the world in terms of revenue alone – roughly the size of Microsoft. It accounted for more than half of Apple’s $366 billion in total revenue last year.

Not only that, the iPhone is also the focal point of the service business platform that Apple is building. Services accounts for 19% of Apple’s business, most of which is the App Store, which wouldn’t exist without the iPhone.

The App Store may face criticism, but this is the growth engine of the company in the future. That’s why investors continue to push Apple’s stock price up. Not surprisingly, Apple was the first company to reach a market capitalization of over $3 trillion. The iPhone is the dominant computing platform in the world, both in terms of its users and the influence it has on the other devices we use.

The phrase that Steve Jobs used 15 years ago: “disruptive Internet communication device” – which almost no one understood at the time – led to Apple’s success today.


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