AAG undersea cable repair schedule is delayed through the Lunar New Year holiday 2022 – LLODO

The Asia America Gateway (AAG) international undersea fiber optic cable route, one of the cable routes that accounts for most of the Internet connection capacity from Vietnam to the world, had the most recent problem on the evening of October 22, 2021. This incident caused the loss of all traffic from Vietnam to international on the route.

At that time, the cable management unit expected the cable fault to be fixed by mid-December 2021. However, in the notice sent to Internet service providers (ISPs) in Vietnam on December 16, 2021, the expected time to complete the repair of errors on the AAG fiber optic cable line has been pushed back to the 3rd of December. January 1, 2022. In which, the time to fix errors on the cable branch connecting to Singapore is from December 17, 2021 to December 23, 2021 and the time to fix the S1I branch towards Hong Kong (China) is expected to be from February 23. 12 to 3 January 2022.

Talking to ICTnews on the evening of January 5, 2022 about the repair and troubleshooting progress on the AAG undersea cable, a representative of an ISP in Vietnam said: The error on the cable branch connecting to Singapore has been fixed. fixed at 15:00 on December 29, 2021.

Meanwhile, the problem on the S1I cable branch connecting to Hong Kong (China) has not been fixed yet. The reason the repair time continued to be delayed was because the cable repair ship discovered there were 3 fault points on this cable branch.

Specifically, according to the newly updated schedule, the time to repair errors on the S1I branch of the AAG cable line will last from February 16 to the last day of February 2022. In which, the time to fix error 1 is from February 16 – 20; Bug 2 from February 20 – 23, and it is expected that the 3rd bug will start to be fixed from February 2, 2022 until February 28, 2022.

Thus, it takes 1 week after the Lunar New Year holiday of the year of the Tiger in 2022, the errors on the S1I branch cable connecting to Hong Kong (China) of the AAG cable will be fixed. Only then will the transmission channels on this undersea cable route be completely restored.

AAG undersea cable repair schedule has been delayed through the 2022 Lunar New Year holiday - Photo 1.

Errors on the S1I branch of the AAG undersea cable are expected to be fixed from February 20, 2022 to February 28, 2022. (Illustration image: Internet)

As an undersea optical cable route directly connecting Southeast Asia with the US, AAG has been officially put into operation since November 2009. The countries and territories that the AAG undersea cable route passes through include Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam (the cable branch turns into Vietnam with a length of 314km, the landing point in Vung Tau), Brunei, Hong Kong (China) States), the Philippines and the United States (Guam, Hawaii and California).

In more than 12 years of being put into operation, despite frequent problems, according to experts, for many reasons, AAG traffic is still used by many domestic carriers at a large rate. This is also the reason why when there is a problem, the AAG cable greatly affects the quality of international services provided to users of the network, especially in the early days.

In addition to AAG, at the moment there is another undersea cable route that also has problems, namely Asia Pacific Gateway (APG). The cable route has been interrupted since December 13, 2021 due to a cable fault about 125 km from the Hong Kong (China) docking station of the APG route. According to the plan, it is expected that the problem on the APG cable line will be fixed from February 2, 2022 to February 6, 2022.

The APG cable was officially put into operation in mid-December 2016, with a length of about 10,400 km, located underground in the Pacific Ocean, with the ability to provide a maximum bandwidth of up to 54 Tbps. With the participation of the network operators VNPT, Viettel, FPT Telecom, CMC Telecom of Vietnam, APG is considered as a cable route contributing to bringing a stable transmission line with a larger capacity for Internet users in Vietnam. .


Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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