A strong luxury brand melts Tesla cars to cast a statue of Elon Musk, affirming that whoever owns the statue will succeed – LLODO

A famous luxury goods manufacturer in Russia is selling 20cm tall portrait statues of billionaire Elon Musk – Tesla CEO. According to the company, parts of the Tesla electric car were melted down to create this portrait.

However, the portrait work is not really similar to the richest man in the world.

Caviar is a brand that often designs super luxury smartphones. In a press release, the company said it has created 27 portraits of Musk as part of a limited-edition collection. Caviar says each statue costs $2,700, although their website lists the portrait as $3,220.

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The Elon Musk statue cast from the metal of the Tesla electric car has a listed price on the website of $3,200. Photo: Caviar Global

The company’s founder – Sergey Kitov – wrote in the statement: “These items will embody the soul of Elon Musk, therefore, they will bring the owner success and creativity from this brilliant man.“.

Marketing director Dmitrey Stoliarov said the bust was cast from metal from a blue Tesla Model 3. In Russia, the car costs about 58,000 USD.

Stoliarov further provided that the portrait of Musk was created by a 3D artist that Caviar personally hired, not copied from the internet.

When asked about the difference between the statue and Elon Musk’s real-life appearance, Stoliarov replied: “Our artists do not pursue the goal of creating a lifelike model. They created an image of Elon Musk that reflects his achievements and inventions“.

As for how many busts have been sold so far, Stoliarov said the sale has only just begun.

Caviar is also selling iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max designed from Tesla car parts. The starting price of these phones is $5,600. The design of the phone features a portrait of Elon Musk in the top right corner, with a bronze engraving of a Tesla battery.

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The specially designed iPhones will start at $5,600. Photo: Caviar Global

Caviar says only 99 such phones will be sold worldwide.

The phone design and the figurines are part of the Visionaries collection. This collection also includes other famous figures such as billionaire Jack Ma – founder of Alibaba, Steve Jobs of Apple. They cost $1,990 and $1,680, respectively. These statues are cast from nickel-plated brass.

Stoliarov said that they want their customers to see the statues of Elon Musk or Steve Jobs on their desks and the specially designed iPhone, they will be inspired and build their own future.

According to Business Insider


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