Automate the multi-channel customer care process – LLODO

Vietnam’s pharmaceutical market is worth 6 billion USD with 65,500 pharmacy businesses facing many opportunities as well as challenges from changes in the digital age and customer behavior. According to forecasts, 40% of businesses will disappear in the next 10 years if they do not change and if they do not want to fall behind in this fierce race, businesses need to understand customer behavior and promptly apply solutions. Automated technology solutions that fit into your care cycle

Diseases and strategic problems for pharmaceutical enterprises

The epidemic caused the demand for medicine to increase. Meanwhile, many localities have applied social distancing, making it difficult for agents and pharmacies to place orders and access the distribution chains of pharmaceutical companies. At the peak period, the system is overloaded, customers have to wait a long time to reach the consultant. At this time, the use of automation tools to support customer care activities is the optimal solution to both help businesses ensure effective customer care and solve cost problems.

In mid-March, Walgreens – one of the largest pharmaceutical retail chains in the US – deployed a voicebot on its channel to communicate with users, answer questions about Covid-19, confirm vaccination conditions and schedule appointments with clients. In Vietnam, Boston Pharma officially put the call center virtual assistant into customer care with the expectation of optimizing costs, improving efficiency and customer care quality. At the same time, this helps to change the traditional way of operating customer care, distributor and dealer management. With the support of automation solutions, the repetitive tasks of employees are significantly reduced and they can focus on improving the quality of customer care, optimizing up to 80% of operational productivity. system operation.

According to statistics, about 76% of customers say that having to repeat the same problem when communicating through different channels is the most annoying part of the entire customer experience. In addition, another 86% of customers expect counselor conversations to flow seamlessly across channels. Moreover, the specificity of sales activities of pharmaceutical manufacturing and trading companies is a long sales cycle and customers need detailed advice and information to ensure safety and effectiveness. Sales staff need to follow up and take care of customers for a long time. For comprehensive and effective omni-channel customer care, businesses need to build an automatic, consistent and transparent data system between communication channels and create a seamless experience with customers. client

Understanding this, Bizfly Martech & Salestech operated by VCCorp organized a Bizfly Expert Talk 14 webinar with the topic “Keys to help businesses automate multi-channel customer care processes for the pharmaceutical industry” to help businesses in the future. This industry has a realistic view and optimizes the effective customer care process. Register for free HERE

Automating the multi-channel customer care process - A breakthrough for the pharmaceutical industry - Photo 1.

This event is suitable for:

+ Pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution enterprises want to improve and optimize customer storage and distribution systems as well as automate customer care processes

+ Drug and functional food distribution stores want to skyrocket sales conversion rates to boost year-end sales

Bizfly Expert Talk #16 deals with issues of:

+ How to store, classify, track and navigate customer data in the pharmaceutical business

+ Automated scripts and tools to take care of new customers and convert old customers

+ Tools to store and create customer data funnels, tools to “communicate” with customers anytime, anywhere “platform”

Events with the participation of speakers:

Speaker Vu Xuan Duong

Account CRM manager Bizfly, VCCorp

With more than 4 years of experience in implementing digital transformation solutions in Marketing and sales for businesses in many fields in Vietnam such as VCB, Bao Tin Manh Hai, Sohaco, Wowholiday, Novaland, Newstarland, Real Estate Association,. .. As a person directly involved in planning consulting, system building, supporting the operation and implementation of digital transformation systems for many large corporations as well as SMEs in the real estate industry, Mr. Duong understands Clearly understand the barriers businesses are facing to come up with solutions and strategies to deploy and handle arising situations accordingly. In addition, Mr. Vu Xuan Duong is also known as the speaker of many digital transformation training sessions for hundreds of partners as well as internal employees of the enterprise.

Automating the multi-channel customer care process - A breakthrough for the pharmaceutical industry - Photo 2.

Guests attending Expert Talk 16 will have the opportunity to ask questions as well as any concerns and concerns to be consulted and answered directly by an expert. Besides, the first 100 people who register for the program will be given a 30-day CRM trial voucher worth 500,000 VND. Certainly, the real stories brought in the seminar will help businesses gain a more specific view as well as experiences so as not to miss any customer data. Register now: HERE

Instant sign up for instant revenue and customer conversions:

Event name: Expert Talk #16: The key to helping businesses automate the multi-channel customer care process for the pharmaceutical industry

Registration link: Here

Time: 10am-11am on November 19, 2021

How to join: Online – free

Platform: Livestream on Zoom and Facebook

Speaker: Mr. Vu Xuan Duong, Account CRM Manager, Bizfly, VCCorp


Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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