bright star surrounded by countless billion-year-old galaxies – LLODO

The photo recently sent back by the James Webb Space Telescope has shocked the astronomy community as well as NASA. Images of stars creating bright streaks adorned by thousands of ancient galaxies are spreading rapidly on many social networks.

Although it was only a test photo, the surprisingly beautiful photo still received a lot of attention. Not long ago, NASA also tested the glasses and determined that the James Webb glasses worked more effectively than expected.

  - Photo 1.

The star with the “billion-year-old” background is attracting a lot of attention.

Last month, all 18 mirrors of the James Webb telescope were pointed at the same point, capturing the star HD 84406 located about 258 light-years from the Solar System, in the famous constellation Ursa Major.

During the new test, the James Webb Glasses aimed at 2MASS J17554042+6551277, the star that emits only a faint glow due to its location 2,000 light-years away; Starlight is 100 times dimmer than the human eye can see. The star image is impressive, but the “background” of the image is even more special: it is a collection of billions of years old galaxies.

The mission of the James Webb glasses is also to look back to ancient times, estimated to be several hundred million years after the Big Bang event. However, it was not until late June – early July that the Webb glasses took the first research images.

Just by looking at the test images, we can see how “bright” the future of Webb glasses is. male-year-old-20220318180042162.chn

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