Choose the underlined part that needs correction: The prisoner is thought (A) to escape (B) by climbing (C) over th

  • Question:

    Choose the underlined part that needs correction: The prisoner is thought (A) to escape (B) by climbing (C) over the wall (D).

    Reference explanation:

    Correct answer: GET

    Active: People/They/… + say/said/think/… + (that) + S + V + sb/sth

    => Passive:

    + Method 1: It + passive + that….

    + Method 2: S + passive + to + V/have P2

    If the verb after S in the active sentence is the present, then the “to” is the infinitive. If the verb after the S in the active sentence is from the past onwards, then the “to” will be “have P2” If the verb In the passive part is the past and the verb after S in the active sentence is also the past, the after “to” is the V infinitive.

    + Method 3: Sb/sth + passive + to + V/have P2 (You must note that after “to” will be active or passive depending on the sentence)

    The prisoner is said to have escaped by climbing over the wall.

    to escape to have escaped

    Answer: REMOVE


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