Diablo Immortal may announce a new Blood Knight character class, the blood knight line from Diablo I – LLODO

Diablo Immortal, the mobile version of the iconic hack and slash game, may include a class that has never appeared before. If the information posted on Wowhead is correct, we will soon see Blood Knight – Blood Knight when Diablo Immortal lands on Android and iOS platforms.

The above information was discovered and translated from the Chinese client by forum user Wowhead. Besides translating the description of Blood Knight’s skills, the account named Tharid also posted some images that are believed to be DK character models, in addition to the iconic mark for the new character class.

Diablo Immortal may announce a new Blood Knight character class, the blood knight line appearing from Diablo I - Photo 1.

The character model is said to be the Blood Knight model.

Diablo Immortal may announce a new Blood Knight character class, the blood knight line appearing from Diablo I - Photo 2.

The mysterious figure and symbol is said to represent the Knights of the Blood.

The Blood Knight would be a logical approach to Diablo’s dark, deadly setting. Even the history of Diablo has marked some famous Blood Knights. In addition to being used as normal monsters in Diablo I, Blood Knights are also two NPCs who served King Leoric as royal guards, two blood knights Gorash and Lachdanan.

Diablo Immortal may announce a new Blood Knight character class, the blood knight line appearing from Diablo I - Photo 3.

The skill set is quite diverse, including summoning, dealing massive damage, draining blood, controlling both monsters and opposing players (favorable for PvP) and turning demons. This is the translated text from Diablo Immortal’s Chinese client.

After Leoric turned into the mad Mad King, Lord Lachdanan ended the reign of the king who had been manipulated by Diablo. Lachdanan appeared in Diablo I as a quest giver, and Leoric became the Skeleton King, the first major boss in Diablo III.

Also according to information posted on Wowhead, the development of Blood Knight has just started from the alpha stage of Diablo Immortal. Looks like the Blood Knight isn’t quite ready for release yet. The game’s closed beta phase ended on 7 early this month, and the game is expected to launch in the first half of 2022.

Talking about Diablo again, the fourth version of the expected game is officially postponed to the expected year of 2023. Until now, gamers continue to receive quarterly development announcements, images. Diablo IV’s beginnings are generally positive.

https://genk.vn/diablo-immortal-co-the-se-cong-bo-lop-nhan-vat-blood-knight-moi-dong-hiep-si-mau-xuat-hien-tu-diablo- i-20220113165347748.chn


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