Earn a high salary with a real Data Engineer job at Cole.vn after 30 lessons – LLODO

Data is an important resource of enterprises, managers rely on data to make decisions to help businesses improve business results, increase revenue, reduce costs and make good development strategies. than. Data analysis applies to a variety of industries: retail (Retail), consumer goods (Consumer Goods), financial services (FSI), manufacturing (Manufacturing), insurance (Insurance)… Never before Building a database and data analysis department is so necessary.

What is Data Engineer job?

The main job of a Data Engineer – Data Engineer (DE) is to manage the entire data infrastructure system at companies and businesses. Working as a Data Warehouse is a skill that almost any DE needs to know and have to do. This process starts from aggregating data from many website sources, specialized application systems and shared applications in one data warehouse to pre-data processing (ETL) to clean data, use them to analyze Analyze and serve for the reporting process or Data Mining or AI jobs later.

According to TopDev’s report on the salary of IT staff in 2020 in Vietnam, the average salary of a Data Engineer with 3 years of experience is about ~ 1771 USD.

Earn a high salary with a real Data Engineer job at Cole.vn after 30 lessons - Photo 1.

About the course Become a Data Engineer – Data Engineer

Currently, in Vietnam, the courses to become a data engineer focus too much on using tools. Learning how to use a tool is not difficult, but understanding when to use that tool is not simple and not all courses provide formal instructions. With the data size of small and medium enterprises, using code, python, R is too redundant and time consuming. Course Become a Data Engineer Data Engineer at Cole.vn is the first course that provides thinking and methodology so that anyone can fully apply it to small to large businesses about the overview of Data Engineer, Relational Database (SQL – SQL server) , ETL, Data Warehouse, Data visualization with Power BI and Python, Data Lake, Big Data, Cloud and final thesis.

Specifically, after 30 lessons (30 hours of theory and 30 hours of practice), learners will have the knowledge and skills to directly work in the position of Data Engineer in different business models:

Skills in building Data Warehouse (Data Warehouse) serving businesses from small to large.

Skills to build Data Lake, Big Data: to store semi-structured and unstructured data such as data in the form of text, images or videos,…

Earn a high salary with a real Data Engineer job at Cole.vn after 30 lessons - Photo 2.

Skills in building Metadata (Super Data Dictionary): Simply understanding Metadata is data about data that is a system dictionary (Data Dictionary) in the Data Warehouse or a place to save the ETL running process, decentralization,… when Going to work as a Data Engineer in an enterprise, you will have to build Metadata.

Business Intelligence skills: After building Data Warehouse, and Data Lake, this course also teaches students to make some basic data analysis dashboards to answer questions. about data that has happened in the past with your company.

Earn a high salary with a real Data Engineer job at Cole.vn after 30 lessons - Photo 3.
Earn a high salary with a real Data Engineer job at Cole.vn after 30 lessons - Photo 4.

Advantages of taking the Data Engineer course at Cole.vn

Cole.vn is a unit specializing in organizing courses on data analysis and digital transformation in cooperation with lecturers who have experience in working on many large projects in Vietnam and internationally.

Earn a high salary with a real Data Engineer job at Cole.vn after 30 lessons - Photo 5.

Online learning with instructors who have experience in many big projects in Vietnam and the world

There is a video recording of the lesson

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Cole.vn – Connecting Knowledge

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