Education digital transformation – LLODO

Digital Education New Normal – Reconstruction to Adapt

For nearly two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has upset and devastated all areas of life, in which education and training are the areas that have been severely affected. The school year plan was interrupted, the curriculum and educational content had to be changed in the direction of only the core.

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However, on the positive side, the COVID-19 epidemic is also an opportunity for the Education sector to promote digital transformation. Many universities, colleges, and educational centers make good use of the application of technology – not only creating advantages for good adaptation in the new period but also contributing to creating a teaching foundation for the future, where that every student and teacher can connect anytime, anywhere.

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Another benefit of cloud computing that you cannot ignore is cost savings. Both learners and providers can experience great benefits in this context. Students don’t need to invest in expensive books and apps as these learning resources are available in the cloud. Suppliers reduce administrative costs by simplifying booking and assignment tracking processes. This makes the cloud even more cost-effective.

Cloud computing VNG Cloud – Building a smart school

On March 31, the Edutalk event was officially held with the highly applicable theme “Digital Education in the New Normal – Reconstruction to Adapt”, experts from VNG Cloud brought to VNG Cloud’s comprehensive suite of digital transformation solutions for the education sector.

The guests are those with great influence in the technology and education industries such as Assoc. HCM, Dr. Truong Ba Ha – Director of PSC software company, Mr. Nguyen Thai Thanh – Deputy Director of IT Hung Hau Holdings cum administrator of IT Department of Van Hien University, Dr. Truong Thanh Cong – Dean of IT Faculty of University of Finance and Marketing, Mr. Vu Anh Tuan – General Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Computer Association (HCA), Mr. Ha Nhu Hai – Sales and Communication Director of VNG Cloud and Mr. Nguyen Duy – Head of VNG Cloud solution consulting department.

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Speaking at the event, P.GS – Dr. Dinh Duc Anh Vu, Vice President of International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, the application of digital technology and education was a wave 10 years ago, but that digital transformation process is realistic. still slow.

Grasping the importance of technology and digital transformation in the education industry, VNG Cloud has officially “accompanied” the education industry for the cloud computing ecosystem – supporting teaching and learning in a timely manner. the most optimal and effective way.

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Accordingly, the solutions introduced by VNG Cloud into the education industry are vUC & vCloudcam to help support marketing and enrollment, besides technology application solutions in the education and training process, LMS and ERP solutions. . Specifically, vUC has support functions on 2 mobile platforms that are iOS and Android. Just 3 steps to have a professional PBX: Install the application, register and use. It can be said that, from digitizing management information, creating interconnected large database systems, deploying online public services, applying 4.0 technologies (AI, blockchain, data analysis, etc.) , ..) to manage, operate, forecast, support leaders at all levels, manage decision-making in leadership, administration and application of technology to support enrollment.

Digital transformation in teaching, learning, testing and assessment is the digitization of chemical materials (e-textbooks, electronic lectures, e-learning lecture repositories, multiple choice question banks), digital libraries, laboratories. Virtual experiments, online training system implementation, ERP management and operation model…. Or transform the entire way, teaching methods, classroom management techniques, ensure school security and order and finally, exploit information technology to organize successful teaching.

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However, in order to be able to rebuild properly and appropriately, ready for the future trend of Digital Education, how to rebuild and how to do it correctly is the problem that the school leadership is always concerned about. wonder. In 2022, to be able to help schools strongly apply technology platforms to system operation, education and training management, VNG Cloud wishes to become a companion and technology sponsor for all educational institutions of the university-college system and education centers Adopt a comprehensive set of solutions for the industry, with the unique 1:1 support policy announced in the seminar, especially with the signing part. cooperation exclusively for 6 top schools in Vietnam.

VNG Cloud wishes to help promote innovation in training methods and school administration, contributing to improving the quality and operational efficiency of the education system in the digital era – thereby contributing to the development of human resources. high-quality force to meet the country’s socio-economic development requirements.

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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