Facebookers and the online community are excited about the 2011 phone number auction program for teachers – LLODO

Every year when November 20 is approaching, on social networks, besides the topic of visiting schools and visiting teachers, the topic of giving gifts is equally interested by everyone. In particular, this year, netizens suddenly shared and discussed about the meaningful phone number auction program for teachers on the occasion of November 20 of the new network Reddi with the name “Reddi has strong waves – Mr. fun game”. Accordingly, the network operator held an auction of 99 phone numbers with the format 055 9XX 2011. With the ending number 2011 carries a special meaning associated with Vietnamese Teachers’ Day. In particular, this is a non-profit auction program when the phone number and successful auction amount will be donated by the network operator to the winner’s teacher.

Thought this topic was only noticed and commented on by the association “sharpening butt on school chairs”, but it seems that the alumni association is equally interested. Under the articles about the program of the Reddi network, there are many comments from the “team graduated” sharing their feelings of rejoicing when they have not seen their teachers for a long time.

More than anyone else, the alumni understand the importance of “connectivity” in the teacher-student relationship. Appreciating the meaning of the program, a facebooker commented: “This network operator has chosen a humane approach from the oldest relationship: Teacher-student relationship, to supplement the connection that it is making. lack, especially for students who have graduated from school and gone to work.” Having not returned to his old school for many years, he confessed that he was “a bit embarrassed” because in an era of abundant fiber-optic networks and connections, he himself could not connect to the most important things.

Facebooker Viet Hoang was suddenly “startled” because 11/20 forgot to give a gift to his first teacher who was also his mother. He also reminisced about the 90s, the gift a poor student gave his teacher was very simple. And now there is Reddi network operator with sim number 2011 to replace the words of many generations of students and teachers through a non-profit auction program.

Facebooker and the online community are excited about the 2011 phone number auction program for teachers - Photo 1.

Photo of Anh Viet Hoang’s status

“Recently, my former homeroom teacher passed away, both during the pandemic and when many friends and brothers were busy, so a few people took him to his final resting place. Shame to say it, otherwise If you have the opportunity to graduate from school for 20 years, most people don’t know where the teacher’s house is or how he lives.” Le Tung Anh, a Facebooker who graduated more than 20 years ago said.

If the veteran “alumni” recalls the old school, most young people feel curious about the program. Walking around the articles that are being shared widely online, most of the comments feel very surprised about this somewhat strange gift.

Facebooker and the online community are excited about the 2011 phone number auction program for teachers - Photo 2.

Some other netizens are interested in the message of the program and think that this is also a unique and meaningful gift for teachers on the occasion of November 20. At the same time, expressing the point of view that the meaning is not in the value of the gift, but this phone number will become a connecting link so that the students will no longer hesitate to call and ask for their teachers. This is really something that both teachers and students feel appreciated.

Facebooker and the online community are excited about the 2011 phone number auction program for teachers - Photo 3.

In addition, at the end of the auction program, teachers not only receive meaningful sim cards, easily communicate with students, but also easily teach online anytime, anywhere thanks to the high-speed 4G data package. limited from only 99,000 VND/month. This is especially useful in a situation where the COVID-19 epidemic is not over yet.

November 20 is not only a special occasion for teachers but also for those who have been sitting in school. This year’s Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, have you prepared meaningful gifts to send your teachers full of love?

Mobile operator Redmi (belonging to Mobicast Company – a member of Masan Group) officially launched on November 20. On the occasion of its debut on Vietnam Teachers’ Day, Reddi number 055 organized an Auction to choose meaningful sim numbers, ending 2011 “Reddi waves are strong – Teachers and students are happy” to bridge the gap, send gifts and connect Immediately with teachers, find memories of the old school roof.

See details of Reddi’s meaningful digital SIM auction program on the occasion of Vietnamese Teachers’ Day November 20 at: https://reddiglobal.com/dau-gia-sim


Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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