How to use reconFTW to Spy on the network for security holes – LLODO

I was assigned the task of finding vulnerabilities of the Website. Before you need to do cyber scouting/network scouting, the term is called Recon. If used manually, it takes a lot more time, today I will introduce you to Tool reconFTW to help you scout your friends very well, integrated with many functions to help collect accurate information about the Website you are scanning.

What is a website security vulnerability?

Website security vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the design and configuration of the system, web developer error or negligence in the operation of the website. The existence of these vulnerabilities is a danger to developers as well as website visitors when black hat hackers can fully exploit them to be able to steal your data or information. your personal information, the user’s and more

Website Security Vulnerability

Hackers use scanning tools to detect a wide range of websites with poor security configuration or websites on popular platforms like WordPress that have published vulnerabilities that have not been addressed by the website owner or web developer, and They will take advantage of them to attack, install malicious code and destroy websites.

Some studies show that in 2019, every 45 minutes, a website will be “visited” by hackers and mainly black hat hackers. This is enough to be able to talk about how dangerous the existence of security holes is.

Common types of website security vulnerabilities

WordPress Security Vulnerability

  • SQL Injection (you can see more articles using SQLmap for more details)
  • Broken Authentication
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Server-Side Template Injection
  • Insecure Direct Object References

reconFTW is a software from the github community and authored by six2dez. This is a network reconnaissance tool aka network spy and it can collect information of the website such as the owner, the domain name it is associated with but most importantly, this tool is capable of automating the process. Check your website’s security, list all subdomains, and do a comprehensive vulnerability check. reconFTW uses a variety of methods to test including:

  • passive
  • bruteforce
  • permutations
  • certificate transparency
  • source code scraping
  • analytics
  • DNS records

It also performs various vulnerability checks like XSS, Open Redirects, SSRF, CRLF, LFI, SQLi, SSL check, SSTI,DNS, etc. Along with that, reconFTW can OSINT (trace) and scan the target’s port.

To say, compared to tools like Burpsuite, in terms of features, they are not inferior to them, but they can also run the tool simply and easily. After experiencing, this is a very suitable tool for those of you who cannot use tools like nmap or Burpsuite.

At the same time, after the whole detective process has been completed, all that has been collected will be aggregated into a single file and it is quite convenient if you want to reopen it to check and check for possible errors. available on the website.

It takes a long time to run the entire network reconnaissance feature, but I only need to sit and eat because the whole process has been automated and optimized so that the user can easily. collect information

Note before doing

It is strictly forbidden to take advantage of the security holes of non-proprietary websites to wreak havoc. Anonyviet will not be responsible for any of your actions. Please continue if you already agree with this note!

Instructions for using reconFTW to scan website security holes

Installation Instructions

You can access the github link of the official tool here

For live installation / virtual machine use / VPS use

git clone
cd reconftw/

#khởi động tool
./ -d [tên miền] -r

For Docker

Method 1: From DockerHub

docker pull six2dez/reconftw:main
mkdir Recon

#câu lệnh khời động tool
docker run -d -v $PWD/reconftw.cfg:/root/Tools/reconftw/reconftw.cfg -v $PWD/Recon/:/root/Tools/reconftw/Recon/ --name reconftwSCAN --rm six2dez/reconftw:main -d [tên miền] -r

Method 2: from Github

git clone
cd reconftw
docker build -t reconftw Docker/.

#câu lệnh khởi động tool
docker run -v $PWD/reconftw.cfg:/root/Tools/reconftw/reconftw.cfg -v $PWD/Recon/:/root/Tools/reconftw/Recon/ --name reconftwSCAN --rm reconftw -d [tên miền] -r

User manual

Syntax: ./ [tùy chọn dành cho mục tiêu] [Input cho mục tiêu] [chế độ(mode)] [các tùy chọn khác]

For option for target

Here: is the domain you want to attack

-r: I will explain in the mode (mode)

  • -d: for 1 domain name
    for example: ./ -d -r
  • -l: use a list of domains
    for example: ./ -l targets.txt -r
  • -m: for 1 target but multiple domains
    for example:./ -m target -l domains.txt -r
  • -i: add subdomains as list
    for example:./ -d -i in.txt -r
  • -x: exclude subdomains
    for example: ./ -d -x oos.txt -r

For modes

Usually, I recommend using -r over the others because I only use it up to that point. If you want full scan, use -a

Note: processing speed depends on the mode you choose and the speed of your home network. Sometimes with large web it will take quite a while.

  • -r: Website scouting with all modes (no attack)
    for example: ./ -d -r
  • -S: Search Subdomains
    for example: ./ -d -s
  • -p: Only run as passive
    for example: ./ -d -p
  • -w: Check the website provided in the list
    for example: ./ -l targetlist.txt -w
  • -a: Run all functions
    for example: ./ -d -a
  • -n: osint – trace tracing
    for example: ./ -d -n
  • -H: show help
    for example: ./ -h

For other options

  • –deep: Run deep scan
  • -v: VPS – use when you run on VPS
  • -f conf_file: use another config (not recommended)
  • -o: Save output of reconFTW

Some examples of usage

  • Run web scouting with a unique domain name: ./ -d -r
  • Run web scouting with a list of domains: ./ -l sites.txt -r -o /output/directory/
  • Run web scouting with a list of domains on vps: ./ -d -r --deep -o /output/directory/
  • Run web snooping with multiple domains from 1 company: ./ -m company -l domains_list.txt -r
  • Boot into Full power mode: ./ -d -a


How to use reconFTW to scan website security holes

Actual Demo

First, I run the following command: ./ -d -r

run reconFTW

After it finishes scanning, it returns the results. There is a statistics of the time it takes to scan and complete the task. Currently, it has taken me up to 2 hours for a small website, so please note the time!

At the end of the scan

All files are saved in folder Recon/[tên website tấn công] if you don’t set its output. Output files

Here, the file that you need to pay attention to is the nuclei_output file because this file will return a CVE error code that hackers can use to exploit information. You can go to Google and search for the error code to find the solution to fix it as soon as possible!

File contains error code CVE

CVE error codes after scanning is complete

Use it to pentest your system only!

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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