If you don’t work but ask for food, you can only eat… – LLODO

In this life, you can only eat if you work – this is a very famous saying in the online community. The popularity of this saying is probably because it is… true, because most people who don’t work but want to eat will receive a bad ending, such as assassination is considered a conspiracy. and… the bulkiest in modern history.

The most cumbersome assassination in modern history and illustrates the sentence: If you don't work but ask for food, you can only... eat prison rice - Photo 1.

It happened in 2013, about a man named Wei. Mr. Wei sued 2 real estate companies to the People’s Court of Nanning province (China). Tan Youhui – a businessman, investor in one of the two companies being sued, for fear of wasting money and time, hired an assassin named Xi Guangan to kill Mr. Wei, for a price of 2 million yuan. about 6.8 billion Vietnamese Dong at the exchange rate at that time).

Xi accepted. But instead of taking action, Xi was imbued with the idea of ​​”don’t work but want to eat”, deciding to hire another person, Mo Tianxiang, to handle the victim for only 1 million yuan. Even Xi was very greedy, because when Mo accepted, he returned to negotiate with Tan, demanding another 1 million yuan after completing the contract. That is, he will eat 2 million!

However, Xi did not expect that Mo was also a fellow believer who “didn’t work but wanted to eat” with him. Mo hired another person – Yang Kangsheng to handle the victim for 270,000 yuan upfront, and 500,000 yuan upon completion.

But Yang Kangsheng also did not want to do. He hired another person, Yang Guangsheng, for 200,000 yuan, plus 500,000 to pay later, a difference of 70,000.

This cumbersome series of contracts ended after Yang Guangsheng himself went to find another person, Ling Xiansi, for 100,000 yuan (about more than 300 million Vietnamese Dong). Thinking it was too cheap to take a human life, Ling decided to invite victim Wei to a cafe, inform him of the assassination to stage a fake scene. Wei will hide for 10 days, Ling informs him of receiving the money and the two will split.

But in the end, everything broke down after the police received the news. Six people – from tenant Tan Youhui to Ling Xiansi – were arrested. The case went to trial in 2016, but they were acquitted for lack of evidence. The prosecutor refused, demanding a retrial in 2019. This time, Tan – the mastermind who hired the assassin, had to receive 5 years in prison. Xi – the assassin who received money from Tan went for 3 years and 6 months.

The most cumbersome assassination in modern history and illustrates the sentence: If you don't work but ask for food, you can only... eat prison food - Photo 2.

The characters in the super bulky assassination contract (Image: BBC)

Two young men surnamed Yang were both sentenced to 3 years and 3 months in prison, while Mo went to 3 years in prison. Even Ling – who determined that he did not want to kill the victim also received a prison sentence of 2 years and 7 months.

The cumbersome contract ended in prison, but it became a classic “case study” about management ability and the ending “If you don’t work, you can only eat in prison”.

Source: BBC

https://kenh14.vn/vu-am-sat-cong-kenh-nhat-lich-su-hien-dai-va-minh-chung-cho-cau-khong-lam-ma-doi-co-an- thi-chi-co-an-com-tu-20210911184449153.chn

https://kenh14.vn/vu-am-sat-cong-kenh-nhat-lich-su-hien-dai-va-minh-chung-cho-cau-khong-lam-ma-doi-co-an- thi-chi-co-an-com-tu-20210911184449153.chn

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