It can be (30) ________ conclude that many parents don’t really prepare their children for future

Vocabulary knowledge

A. likely /ˈlaɪkli/ (adv) = probably: likely, likely to happen or come true

B. probably /ˈprɑːbəbli/ (adv): possibly, likely to happen or come true

C. auspiciously /ɔːˈspɪʃəsli/ (adv): likely to succeed in the future

D. possibly /ˈpɒsəbli/ (adv): possibly (with a degree of uncertainty)

People use “possibly” with “can (‘t)/could(n’t)” in sentences to emphasize the possibility of something being able/impossible to do something.

It can be (30) ___________ conclude that many parents don’t really prepare their children for future, because they don’t stimulate them to learn how to run a house.”

It can be concluded that many parents do not really prepare for their children’s future, because they do not encourage their children to learn how to manage the housework.

Structure to note:

– Stimulate sb to do sth: encourage, stimulate someone to do what

– Run a house: take care of the housework

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